Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls (2015)

Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou / モンスター娘のいる日常

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Avatar: Cerina#1
I watched Monster Musume years ago. I found it strangely entertaining, even if I don’t usually view harem shows. What I liked about this anime was that each monster girl has its own feature. Miia (lamia) has an uncanny resolve to get close to Darling. She was firstly influenced by her clan to do so, but gradually questions their cult. Cerea (centaur) is really proud but also shy when she is alone with her master. Mero (mermaid) loves tragic love stories to the point she wants the same with Kimihito. Rachnera (spider) is the most mysterious girl in terms of her record with humans. Anyway, Kimihito is kind to all of them. He may be a typical harem hero but likeable due to his...coolness at times. Frankly. I would say this harem does not reinvent the wheel. But gladly, interspecies relations spiced conflicts a bit up.
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