Kuroko’s Basketball The Movie: Last Game (2017)

Gekijouban Kuroko no Baske: Last Game / 劇場版 黒子のバスケ LAST GAME


  • Anime: Kuroko’s Basketball The Movie: Last Game
    © 藤巻忠俊/集英社・劇場版「黒子のバスケ」製作委員会


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After Kuroko and Kagami have entered their second year of high school, an American team of street basketball players called Jabberwock visits, asking for an exhibition game against the Japanese team. After winning against the Japanese team in a crushing defeat, Jabberwock makes fun of Japanese basketball. Insulted by this, Riko’s father decides to put together the team Vorpal Swords with players from “the Miracle Generation” as well as Kuroko and Kagami. The new team now demands a rematch against Jabberwock.
Nachdem Kuroko und Kagami ins zweite Jahr der Highschool gehen, reist ein amerikanisches Team von Straßen-Basketballern mit dem Namen Jabberwock ein und tritt in einem Freundschaftsspiel gegen das japanische Team an. Als das japanische Team eine vernichtende Niederlage erleidet, verspottet Jabberwock den japanischen Basketball. Dadurch gerät Rikos Vater in Rage und stellt das Team Vorpal Swords aus der »Generation der Wunder« sowie Kuroko und Kagami zusammen, um in einem erneuten Match Revanche zu fordern.
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  • Tetsuya KUROKO

    I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one in Japan.

  • Tetsuya KUROKO

    I may be a shadow … but … the brighter the light, the more intense the shadow. I can make the white of that light stand out. I’ll be the shadow to your light and make you the best in Japan.

  • Tetsuya KUROKO

    At the end of the game, no matter how many points you’ve beaten the opponent by … It’s not “winning” if you can’t be happy about it … !

  • Taiga KAGAMI

    Life is all about challenges, There’s no point in living if there’s no one strong to play, It’s better if I can’t win.

  • Ryouta KISE

    Once you look up to someone, you can’t overtake them.




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