Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Geocentrismo illustre (2018)

Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Irusterias Tendouron / Fate/EXTRA Last Encore イルステリアス天動説


  • Anime: Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Geocentrismo illustre
    • Giapponese Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Irusterias Tendouron
      Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Irusterias Tendōron
      Fate/EXTRA Last Encore イルステリアス天動説
      Tipo: TV-Special, 3 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 29.07.2018
      Studio: SHAFT Inc.
      Adattato da: Videogioco
      Staff: Marvelous Inc., Notes Co., Ltd. (Original Work), Masaaki TAKIYAMA (Character Design), Satoru KOUSAKI (Music)
    • Inglese Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Geocentric Theory
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 30.10.2018
    • Italiana Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Geocentrismo illustre
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 30.10.2018
      Publisher: Netflix, Inc.
    • Sinonimi: Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Illustrias Geocentrism Theory, Fate/Extra: Last Encore - Irusterias Ptolemaic Theory


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This three-piece special brings an end to the anime adaptation of the “Fate/Extra” video game, “Fate/Extra: Last Encore”. Hakuno and Nero were able to defend against the countless clones of Rin and Rani and managed to ascend to the seventh floor of the Holy Grail War together with Rin, whom they newly awakened from her century-long slumber. Shortly after arriving on the seventh floor, however, they are greeted by an old acquaintance of Nero’s – a servant she remembers all too well: Sir Gawain; Knight of the Sun and King Arthur’s nephew. He tells them that his Lord, Leonardo Harwey, has fallen into a long sleep after having been defeated by the real Hakuno Kishinami 1000 years ago. Nevertheless, to continue towards their goal, Nero, Hakuno, and Rin absolutely must defeat Leo, lest they be stuck on the seventh floor.

Gawain decides to wake his King Leo from his slumber, and now Nero and Hakuno have to face their most powerful opponent yet: the strongest Master and his Servant – himself being the strongest of the Knights of the Round Table. Can they prevail against such a foe? And even if they make it, do they have the strength to go on and face off against Twice H. Pieceman?
In diesem dreiteiligen Special findet die Anime-Adaption des Videospiels »Fate/Extra«, »Fate/Extra: Last Encore«, ihr Ende. Hakuno und Nero konnten sich Rins und Ranis Klonen erwehren und haben gemeinsam mit der zum Leben erwachten Rin die siebte Ebene im Krieg um den Heiligen Gral erreicht. Begrüßt werden sie von einem Servant, der Nero nur allzu bekannt ist: Sir Gawain – Ritter der Sonne und König Arturs Neffe. Sir Gawain erklärt der Gruppe, dass sein Herr, Leonardo Harwey, sich nach seiner Niederlage gegen die eigentliche Hakuno Kishinami vor 1000 Jahren zurückgezogen und in einen langen Schlaf begeben hat. Doch um ihr Ziel – die Moon Cell – zu erreichen, müssen Hakuno, Nero und Rin ihn besiegen, denn nur so können sie an ein Weiterkommen denken.

Gawain weckt seinen König Leo und nun steht den dreien ein harter Kampf gegen den stärksten Master und seinen Servant – seines Zeichens der stärkste Ritter der Tafelrunde – bevor. Können Nero und ihr Master den Kampf bestehen? Und selbst wenn, haben sie anschließend noch die Kraft, Twice H. Pieceman gegenüberzutreten und auch ihn zu bezwingen?
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Immagini (40 Screenshot)




    You don’t have to force yourself to do something big. You do what you can. And I do what I can. In this world, those are things each of us can only do for ourselves.


    Those who aim further for other’s sake. Those who think of others before themselves. …And those who hate themselves more than anyone. These are the qualities of a Magus. This is a contradiction you can only have if you are born broken.




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