JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo (2018)

JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze / ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風


  • Anime: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
    © LUCKY LAND COMMUNICATIONS/集英社・ジョジョの奇妙な冒険GW製作委員会
    • Giapponese JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze
      JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Ōgon no Kaze
      ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風
      Tipo: Serie TV, 39 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 06.10.2018 ‑ 28.07.2019
      Adattato da: Manga
      Staff: Hirohiko ARAKI (Original Work), Hideya TAKAHASHI, Yasuhiro KIMURA (Direction), Takahiro KISHIDA (Character Design), Yuugo KANNO (Music)
    • Inglese JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 05.10.2018 ‑ 28.07.2019
    • Italiana JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 05.10.2018 ‑ 28.07.2019
    • Sinonimi: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind, Le Bizzarre Avventure Di GioGio Parte 5: Vento Aureo


«JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo» è la quarta stagione e si svolge due anni dopo gli avvenimenti di «JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable». Koichi Hirose si reca, su ordine di Jotaro Kujo, a Napoli. Lì deve verificare se DIO ha un figlio, e viene subito derubato da Giorno Giovanna. Giorno Giovanna non è un semplice delinquentuccio, però, perché, come Koichi, anche lui è in possesso di uno Stand.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind” is the fourth season and takes place two years after the events of “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable”. Koichi Hirose is travelling to Naples, Italy, on the request of Jotaro Kujo to check whether DIO has a child. There, he is promptly robbed by Giorno Giovanna. Giorno Giovanna is no ordinary petty criminal, because, just like Koichi, he is a Stand User.
»JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind« ist die vierte Staffel und spielt zwei Jahre nach den Ereignissen von »JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable«. Koichi Hirose reist auf den Wunsch Jotaro Kujos hin ins italienische Neapel, um nachzuprüfen, ob DIO ein Kind hat, und wird dort direkt von Giorno Giovanna ausgeraubt. Giorno Giovanna ist dabei aber kein normaler Kleinkrimineller, denn er ist ebenso wie Koichi ein Stand-Nutzer.
« JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure : Golden Wind » est la quatrième saison et se déroule deux ans après les événements de « JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure : Diamond is Unbreakable ». Koichi Hirose se rend à Naples, en Italie, à la demande de Jotaro Kujo pour vérifier si DIO a un enfant, et se fait voler sur place par Giorno Giovanna. Giorno Giovanna n’est cependant pas un petit délinquant normal, car il est un utilisateur de stand, tout comme Koichi.
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  • Giorno GIOVANNA

    That which we have inherited from the departed must be taken onwards! I will not destroy this Arrow!

  • Giorno GIOVANNA

    All that will survive is the reality of this world. Righteous actions born from reality will never be annihilated. Bucciarati is dead, and so are Abbacchio and Narancia. But their actions and their wills have not been annihilated. They are the ones who gave me this Arrow. Now, are your actions born of reality? Or are they born of superficial evil? We’re about to find out. In the end, will you be able to escape annihilation? Boss?

  • Giorno GIOVANNA

    We’re going to have to leave you behind here. So that no one can hurt you anymore … Ever again. But I promise that I will take you back home.

  • Giorno GIOVANNA

    Know your place. A deal like this is too good to be true for a man like you. Mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda!!! WRYYYYYY!!! MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAAAAAA!!!

  • Giorno GIOVANNA

    Mista … Your resolve is shining upon the path, even brighter than this rising sun. And it’s shining on the path … that we’re meant to take!




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