Lupin the 3rd: Parte 6 - Epoche (2021)

Lupin Sansei: Part 6 - Jidai / ルパン三世 PART6 時代


  • Anime: Lupin the 3rd: Parte 6 - Epoche
    • Giapponese Lupin Sansei: Part 6 - Jidai
      ルパン三世 PART6 時代
      Tipo: TV-Special, 1 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 10.10.2021
      Adattato da: Manga
    • Inglese Lupin the 3rd: Part 6 - The Times
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.10.2021
      Publisher: Sentai
    • Italiana Lupin the 3rd: Parte 6 - Epoche
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.10.2021
    • Sinonimi: Lupin III: Part 6 Episode 0, Lupin III: Part 6 The Times


Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Lupin the 3rd: Parte 6 - Epoche» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Lupin the 3rd: Parte 6 - Epoche»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
In this episode, things don’t look good at all for Arsène Lupin III and his faithful companions Daisuke Jigen and Goemon Ishikawa: because Lupin once again fell for Fujiko, the three of them now have to take the blame for her betrayal. Times have changed, and with them, the arsenal at the police’s disposal: thanks to armed, AI-controlled drones and a new type of substance, the police were actually able to arrest the trio. But no one has been able to hold the group of thieves for long; thus, they are already planning their escape. Daisuke, however, is thinking about going his own way after the escape. Will this really be the end of a partnership that has lasted forever?

This special episode is intended as a tribute to Kiyoshi Kobayashi. He voiced Daisuke Jigen for 52 years before retiring.
In dieser Folge sieht es für Arsène Lupin III und seine Getreuen Daisuke Jigen und Goemon Ishikawa gar nicht gut aus: Weil Lupin mal wieder Fujiko auf den Leim gegangen ist, müssen die drei nun deren Verrat ausbaden. Die Zeiten haben sich gründlich geändert, und mit ihnen das Arsenal, das der Polizei zur Verfügung steht: Dank bewaffneter, KI-gesteuerter Drohnen und einer neuartigen Substanz konnte die Polizei das Trio doch tatsächlich dingfest machen. Aber lange konnte die Diebestruppe noch keiner halten, weswegen sie bereits ihre Flucht planen. Daisuke überlegt allerdings, nach der Flucht womöglich seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen. Wird das tatsächlich das Ende einer schon ewig währenden Partnerschaft sein?

Diese Spezialepisode ist als Würdigung für Kiyoshi Kobayashi gedacht. Er gab Daisuke Jigen 52 Jahre lang seine Stimme, bevor er in den Ruhestand ging.
Generi principali / Generi secondari


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Immagini (30 Screenshot)



  • Arsène LUPIN III

    Wow Fujiko!! You are almost naked, aren’t you… (Lupin turns to the guy who kidnapped her)
    You’ve got wonderful taste….? He, he, ….

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    Funny how the bad guy never seems to tell the truth.

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    I’ve stolen the 1908 Packard for you. Now, you promised, remember? That you’ll drive with me to heaven?

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    We’ve been thieves for generations. It’d be a disgrace to my ancestors if I quit being a thief!

  • Daisuke JIGEN

    Two things I hate, it’s garlic and radiation burns.




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