Spy × Family: Stagione 2 (2023)

Spy × Family Season 2 / スパイファミリー Season 2



Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Spy × Family: Stagione 2» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Spy × Family: Stagione 2»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Spy × Family” enters its second round and continues the story of the Forger family of make-believe! Although daughter Anya is the only one who knows the true identities of her “parents” because of her telepathic abilities, she enjoys family life to the fullest. Alongside all the fun, however, there also has to be time to study, as it’s still necessary to earn Tonitrus to support Papa Loid on his secret mission. However, his everyday life is not exactly easy: between all his additional secret agent missions, he has to juggle his life as a father and husband in order not to jeopardise his main mission – and there are always minor problems. Whether it’s a bullet wound in Yor’s backside that ruins her day but makes Loid think she’s in a bad mood because of him or the clairvoyant family dog Bond, who interrupts him on one of his missions – life with the Forgers never gets boring!
»Spy × Family« geht in die zweite Runde und setzt die Geschichte rund um die Scheinfamilie Forger fort! Obwohl Tochter Anya die einzige ist, die wegen ihrer telepathischen Fähigkeiten die wahren Identitäten ihrer »Eltern« kennt, genießt sie das Familienleben in vollen Zügen. Neben all dem Spaß muss jedoch auch Zeit zum Lernen bleiben, da es immer noch heißt, Tonitrus zu verdienen, um Papa Loid bei seiner geheimen Mission zu unterstützen. Doch der hat es in seinem Alltag nicht gerade einfach: Zwischen all seinen zusätzlichen Geheimagenteneinsätzen muss er auch sein Leben als Vater und Ehemann unter einen Hut bringen, um seine Hauptmission nicht zu gefährden – und da gibt es immer wieder kleinere Problemchen. Sei es eine Schusswunde in Yors Hinterteil, die ihr den Tag vermiest, Loid allerdings denken lässt, sie sei seinetwegen schlecht gelaunt, oder der hellsehende Familienhund Bond, der ihn bei einer seiner Missionen stört – langweilig wird es den Forgers nie!
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  • Loid FORGER

    Making a world where kids don’t need to cry … That was the whole reason I became a spy in the first place.

  • Anya FORGER

    Papa is the world’s biggest liar. But … he’s a cool liar.

  • Donovan DESMOND

    In the end … people will never truly be sympathetic with each other.




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