Le avventure di Lupin III (1971)

Lupin Sansei / ルパン三世


  • Anime: Le avventure di Lupin III
    • Giapponese Lupin Sansei
      Tipo: Serie TV, 23 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 24.10.1971 ‑ 26.03.1972
      Adattato da: Manga
      Staff: Monkey Punch (Original Work), Takeo YAMASHITA (Music)
      Sito web: tms-e.com
    • Inglese Lupin the 3rd: Part 1
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 26.06.2012
    • Italiana Le avventure di Lupin III
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 1979 ‑ ?
    • Sinonimi: Green Jacket, Lupin III TV, Lupin the 3rd: The First TV Series, Lupin the Third Part 1, Lupin the Third TV


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Hard-boiled, cocky, classy and silly - these words only begin to describe the amazing master thief Lupin the Third. With the help of some quick gunplay by his partner Jigen, Lupin takes on the world in elaborate heists, classic car chases, and nasty explosions. Fujiko, a buxom redhead with a penchant for betrayal, always gets tangled up in Lupin’s capers. The stoic but swift swordsman Goemon is just as inclined to kill Lupin as he is to help him, and Lupin can never seem to lose the relentless Tokyo Police Inspector Zenigata. What sort of trouble will this band of misfits get into next?
Arsène Lupin III ist der Enkel vom legendären Meisterdieb Arsene Lupin. Auf dessen Spuren macht er sich auf, die spektakulärsten Coups durchzuziehen. Dabei stets begleitet von seinen Kumpanen Jigen, dem Meisterschützen und Goemon Ishikawa XIII, ein Samurai der dreizehnten Generation. Auch an Bord seine große Liebe, welche auf den ersten Blick zwar recht unscheinbar wirkt, doch in Wirklichkeit fast ebenso durchtrieben wie Lupin III selbst ist. Ihnen auf den Fersen ist Inspektor Kouichi Zenigata, welcher ihnen die Flucht jedes Mal aufs Neue schwer macht.
Arsène Lupin III es el nieto del del legendario maestro ladrón Arsene Lupin. Siguiendo sus pasos, se propone dar los golpes más espectaculares. Siempre acompañado por sus compañeros Jigen, el maestro tirador, y Goemon Ishikawa XIII, un samurái de la decimotercera generación. También a bordo su gran amor, que a primera vista parece bastante discreta, pero en realidad es casi tan astuta como el propio Lupin III. Detrás de ellos está el inspector Kouichi Zenigata, que les dificulta la huida en todo momento.
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  • Arsène LUPIN III

    Wow Fujiko!! You are almost naked, aren’t you… (Lupin turns to the guy who kidnapped her)
    You’ve got wonderful taste….? He, he, ….

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    Funny how the bad guy never seems to tell the truth.

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    I’ve stolen the 1908 Packard for you. Now, you promised, remember? That you’ll drive with me to heaven?

  • Arsène LUPIN III

    We’ve been thieves for generations. It’d be a disgrace to my ancestors if I quit being a thief!

  • Daisuke JIGEN

    Two things I hate, it’s garlic and radiation burns.




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