Clannad: The Motion Picture (2007)

Gekijouban Clannad / 劇場版 クラナド



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Okazaki Tomoya is a student who goes to school only as a force of habit. He continues to be plagued by nightmares of a world with nothing left, where his existence is a mere conciousness. On the way to school one day, he meets a girl called Furukawa Nagisa, who from then on follows him to school every day, unable to climb the stairs by herself. While helping Nagisa to organize the Drama Club, Tomoya slowly starts to open up and actually enjoy his life again. But the dreams he has might be something more than just dreams..
Source: ANN
»Clannad: Der Film« spielt in einer japanischen Oberschule. Tomoya Okazaki ist ein Schüler, der die Schule nicht wirklich ernst nimmt, denn er kommt immer zu spät, während seine Mitschüler sich auf die bevorstehende Aufnahmeprüfung vorbereiten. Deshalb hat er auch nicht viele enge Freunde.

Tomoya scheint das auch nicht sonderlich zu interessieren, bis er eines Tages ein Mädchen namens Nagisa Furukawa kennenlernt, das sich ihm von da an anschließt. Zuerst dachte er, dass sie nur ein ungeschicktes Mädchen sei, doch aus irgendeinem Grund kann er sie nicht alleine lassen und hilft ihr. Dabei trifft er ein paar andere Mädchen seiner Schule. Obwohl sie ihm anfangs eigentlich egal waren, öffnet er ihnen sein Herz, um sich besser kennenzulernen.
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  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    A girl I don’t know…She isn’t talking to me…She’s probably talking to someone in her heart.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    I hate this town. It’s too filled with memories I’d rather forget. I go to school every day, hang out with my friends, and then go home. There’s no place I’d rather not go ever again. I wonder if anything will ever change? Will that day ever come?

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    If you feel like crying you shouldn’t hold back your tears. You should let it all out while you still can.. because when you get bigger sometimes you can’t cry even if you have something to cry about.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    Nagisa lost consciousness over and over again; waking up and passing out because of the pain. It was cruel to watch. I wanted to cover my eyes and hide. It stretched on and on with no end in sight. I lost track of time. It felt like an eternity. I was so close to passing out myself. After a while, I felt like my heart couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I had run out of hope.

  • Tomoya OKAZAKI

    After work was rough on me. It was even worse when I had a day off. I would throw my money away just to kill time. To stay away from home, I was hiding from reality because it was the only thing holding me together. I hate this town, but even if I moved away, I wouldn’t have anywhere to go; anything to do. I tried to shut everything out; to live without thinking of anything. I wanted to wipe my mind clean. I wanted to forget what happened. Everything I did was wrong. Everything was a mistake. The fact that I met her, the fact that we fell in love, that we got married, the fact that we had a baby…It was all one big mistake I couldn’t take back.




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