5 cm al secondo (2007)

Byousoku 5 Centimeter / 秒速5センチメートル



Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «5 cm al secondo» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «5 cm al secondo»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Episode 1:
Akari and Takari meet as children at school. Both live very secluded lives and spend most of their time together in the school library. That’s why the other kids bully them, which they don’t care about. It is their goal to one day go to the same high school. But Akari’s parents have to move due to their work, and so the two friends are separated. Some time passes and they both write letters to each other, but then Takaki also has to move and the distance between them becomes even larger. In one of their letters, they arrange to meet on March 4th. When Takaki sets off, however, there is a snowstorm and he runs out of time. Many thoughts cross his mind, but finally, the long-awaited meeting in the snow happens.

Episode 2:
In another story, their meeting is told from the perspective of someone else. Kanae Sumita, a classmate of Takaki, has strong feeling for him, but she cannot confess them to him.

Episode 3:
In the final story, many years have passed and we see images and flashbacks from the protagonists’ minds.
Episode 1:
Akari und Takaki lernen sich als Kinder in der Schule kennen, leben beide sehr zurückgezogen und verbringen ihre Zeit meistens gemeinsam in der Schulbibliothek. Deshalb werden sie von den anderen Mitschülern geärgert, was ihnen jedoch egal ist. Ihr Ziel ist es, gemeinsam auf die selbe Hochschule zu gehen. Doch Akaris Eltern müssen wegen ihrer Arbeit umziehen und so werden die beiden Freunde getrennt. Einige Zeit vergeht und beide schreiben sich Briefe, doch dann muss auch Takaki umziehen und so wird die Entfernung zwischen den beiden noch größer. In einem ihrer Briefe vereinbaren sie, sich am 4. März zu treffen. Als Takaki jedoch losfährt, gibt es ein Schneesturm und die Zeit läuft ihm davon. Viele Gedanken gehen durch seinen Kopf und schlussendlich kommt es dennoch zum langersehnten Treffen im Schnee.

Episode 2:
In einer weiteren Geschichte wird das Treffen der beiden aus der Sicht einer anderen Person erzählt. Kanae Sumita ist eine Klassenkameradin von Takaki und hat sehr starke Gefühle für ihn, doch sie schafft es nicht ihm ihre Gefühle zu gestehen.

Episode 3:
In der letzten Geschichte sind dann einige Jahre vergangen und man sieht Bilder und Rückblicke aus den Gedanken der Protagonisten.
Texto de presentación:
¿Cuándo empecé a escribir mensajes que nunca envío? ¿A qué velocidad debo vivir para volverte a ver? Después de graduarse en escuela primaria, Takaki Tono y Akari Shinohara fueron por caminos separados a pesar de lo que sentían uno por el otro. Lo unico que pasó entre ellos fue el tiempo. Un día, en medio de una tormenta de nieve, Takaki finalmente fue a ver a Akari … La película consta de 3 historias que narran varias etapas desde distintos puntos de vista: "Extracto de Flor de Cerezo", "Cosmonauta" y "5 centímetros por segundo".
Notice publicitaire
Takaki et Akari sont des élèves de primaire que leur amour de la lecture a rapprochés. Mais un jour, la jeune fille déménage à Tochigi, au nord de Tokyo. Les deux amis commencent alors à s’échanger des lettres. Lorsque Takaki s’apprête lui aussi à déménager pour Kagoshima, au sud du pays, il décide d’aller rendre visite une dernière fois à son amie, un soir d’hiver …
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Immagini (41 Screenshot)



  • Takaki TOONO

    Every minute felt like an eternity time, clearly as if it had malicious intent, slowly ebbed away from me, I clenched my teeth and keeping myself from crying was the only thing I could do…

  • Takaki TOONO

    It must really be a lonelier journey than anyone could imagine. Cutting through absolute darkness, encountering nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. Flying blindly into the abyss, believing therein lie the answers to the mysteries of the universe.

  • Takaki TOONO

    And right then it felt like I finally understood where everything was, eternity, the heart , the soul. It was like I was sharing every experience I’d ever had in my past 13 years. And then, the next moment, I became unbearably sad. I didn’t know what to do with these feeling. Her warmth, her soul. How was I supposed to treat them? That, I did not know. Then right then, I clearly understood that we would never be together. Our lives not yet fully realized, the vast expanse of time. They lay before us and there was nothing we could do. But then, all my worries, all my doubt, started melting away. All that was left were Akari’s soft lips on mine.
    (Takaki Tono after kissing Akari Shinohara for the first time)

  • Takaki TOONO

    I’m just trying to live my life, but it seems as if sadness always piles itself up around me. It’s in my bed, the toothbrush in my bathroom, and the memory of my cellphone. Over the past few years, I’ve wanted to move on, I’ve wanted to take hold of something I couldn’t reach. What that is, I have no idea. Not knowing where such obsessive thoughts were coming from, I simply drowned myself in my work. Then one day I realized that my heart was withering, and in it there was nothing but pain. And one morning, I realized that my beliefs, that I once held so passionately, had completely disappeared. That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I quit my job.




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Avatar: simo.cocu#1
I personaggi sono il punto più forte di questo anime, tutti estremamente approfonditi e caratterizzati, dolci, profondi e con dolori non irreali o unici e strani, ma di problemi reali, problemi che differiscono a seconda dell'età e di come crescono: d'amore, di lontananza, lavorativi di separazione... ecc. Cose quotidiane con cui abbiamo a che fare sin da giovani. Sentimenti come l'amore vengono trattati in modo unico, come una cosa irreale, bello e distante come la durata di un'estate.
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