Fullmetal Alchemist: La sacra stella di Milos (2011)

Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi / 鋼の錬金術師 嘆きの丘の聖なる星


  • Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: La sacra stella di Milos
    • Giapponese Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi
      鋼の錬金術師 嘆きの丘の聖なる星
      Tipo: Film, 1 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 02.07.2011
      Studio: BONES Inc.
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
      Staff: Hiromu ARAKAWA (Original Work), Kazuya MURATA (Direction), Ken’ichi KONISHI (Character Design), Tarou IWASHIRO (Music)
    • Inglese Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 24.04.2012
    • Italiana Fullmetal Alchemist: La sacra stella di Milos
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 11.07.2012
      Publisher: Dynit SRL
    • Sinonimi: FMA The Movie 2011, Fullmetel Alchemist The Movie 2011, HagaRen The Movie 2011


Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Fullmetal Alchemist: La sacra stella di Milos» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Fullmetal Alchemist: La sacra stella di Milos»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
A fugitive alchemist with mysterious abilities leads the Elric brothers to a distant valley of slums inhabited by the Milos, a proud people struggling against bureaucratic exploitation. Ed and Al quickly find themselves in the middle of a rising rebellion, as the exiled Milos lash out against their oppressors. At the heart of the conflict is Julia, a young alchemist befriended by Alphonse. She’ll stop at nothing to restore the Milos to their former glory – even if that means harnessing the awful power of the mythical Philosopher’s Stone.
Zwei Monate vor seiner Entlassung bricht Melvin aus dem Gefängnis in Central City aus, indem er seine Fähigkeiten als Alchemist benutzt. Zufällig sind auch Edward und Alphonse vor Ort und machen sich gleich an die Verfolgung des Verbrechers. Die Spur führt sie in die Stadt Milos, die direkt an der Grenze zum Nachbarland Cletan liegt und von tiefen Klippen umgeben ist. Doch auf ihrem Weg dorthin werden sie von Werwölfen und einer Gruppe von Terroristen, den Black Bats, angegriffen. Endlich in der Stadt angekommen treffen die Elric-Brüder auf die illegale Einwanderin Julia Crichton, die – genau wie die beiden Brüder – auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen ist.
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  • Alphonse ELRIC

    The world isn’t perfect, and the law is incomplete. Equivalent Exchange doesn’t encompass everything that goes on here. But I still choose to believe in its principle: that all things do come at a price. That there’s an ebb, and a flow, a cycle. That the pain we went through did have a reward and that anyone who’s determined and perseveres will get something of value in return, even if it’s not what they expected.

  • Edward ELRIC

    Even when our eyes are closed, there’s a whole world out there that lives outside ourselves and our dreams.

  • Edward ELRIC

    Damn it, there’s so many idiots whose asses I have to kick! I’ll have to start carrying a list just to keep track of them all!

  • Edward ELRIC

    Alchemy is the science of understanding of what an object is made of, breaking it down, and putting it back together into something different.

  • Edward ELRIC

    How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past?




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