Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo: Steel Ball Run (2004)

Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Steel Ball Run / ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スティール・ボール・ラン


  • Manga: Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo: Steel Ball Run
    © 2004 Hirohiko Araki, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Giapponese Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Steel Ball Run
      Jojo no Kimyō na Bōken: Steel Ball Run
      ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 スティール・ボール・ラン
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 19.01.2004 ‑ 19.04.2011
      Volumi / Capitoli: 24 / 95
      Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Hirohiko ARAKI Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Italiana Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo: Steel Ball Run
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.03.2006 ‑ 15.02.2012
      Volumi / Capitoli: 24 / 95
    • Francese Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Saison 7 - Steel Ball Run
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 23.01.2013 ‑ 05.10.2016
      Volumi / Capitoli: 24 / 95
    • Sinonimi: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run


Testo della bandella:
È il 1890 quando il magnate Stephen Steel organizza una gara di corsa a cavallo il cui premio per il vincitore sarà l’incredibile somma di cinquanta milioni di dollari! Il percorso si snoda attraverso i mille pericoli degli Stati Uniti, da San Diego a New York, e fra i partecipanti troviamo ogni genere di personaggio, per estrazione sociale e provenienza geografica: inizia così la grande avventura di J.Lo Zeppelie e Johnny Joestar!

In the American West in 1890, the biggest race in history is about to take place: the Steel Ball Run. Thousands of people troop to San Diego to tackle over six thousand kilometres and win the grand prize of $50,000,000. With the end of the era of the horse, participants are now allowed to use any vehicle they want. The contestants have to fight their way to the top ranks under harsh conditions, covering hundreds of kilometres through unknown, desolate landscapes. Young Johnny Joestar has also come to San Diego to watch the race. There, he meets Gyro Zeppeli, a competitor with two mysterious steel balls on his hip. Johnny watches as Gyro uses his steel balls during a duel, unleashing a tremendous force that drives his challenger to turn his gun on himself. In the midst of all this, Johnny accidentally touches the bullets and feels a vast force pull through his legs, allowing him to stand up for the first time in years. Johnny promises to unravel the mystery of the balls and therefore decides to enter the race himself. Thus, a bizarre adventure across America begins …
Im amerikanischen Westen steht das größte Rennen der Geschichte an: der Steel Ball Run. Tausende von Menschen tummeln sich in San Diego, um über sechstausend Kilometer in Kauf zu nehmen und den Hauptpreis von fünfzig Millionen Dollar zu gewinnen. Mit dem Ende der Ära des Pferdes ist es den Teilnehmern nun erlaubt, jedes beliebige Fahrzeug zu nutzen. Die Wettkämpfer müssen sich unter erschwerten Bedingungen die vordersten Plätze erkämpfen. Sie müssen hunderte Kilometer durch unbekannte, verödete Landschaften bestreiten. Auch der junge Johnny Joestar, ein verkrüppelter ehemaliger Jockey, ist nach San Diego gekommen, um den Start des Rennens zu verfolgen. Dort begegnet er Gyro Zeppeli, einem Mitstreiter mit zwei Stahlkugeln an der Hüfte statt einer Pistole. Johnny beobachtet, wie Gyro während eines Duells seine Stahlkugeln benutzt und damit eine ungeheure Macht entfesselt, die seinen Herausforderer dazu treibt, seine Waffe auf sich selbst zu richten. Inmitten des ganzen Geschehens berührt Johnny zufällig die Kugeln und spürt eine enorme Kraft, die durch seine Beine zieht und ihn nach Jahren zum ersten Mal wieder bemächtigt aufzustehen. Johnny schwört, das Geheimnis der Stahlkugeln zu lüften und beschließt daher, am Rennen teilzunehmen. Ein bizarres Abenteuer durch ganz Amerika beginnt …
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  • Diego BRANDO

    The one who was victorious was … me!

  • Diego BRANDO

    I will stand above that flock of pigeons and I will control them!

  • Diego BRANDO

    The wound of your slit throat is the line of the wretched world I was part of! WRYYYYYY! And this, this is the line that crosses over it! Me! The line that brings this world into my hands!

  • Diego BRANDO

    Useless, useless! I thought I told you this, Johnny Joestar! That I’d tear you apart if you came within two meters of me … no other organism on Earth can match up to a dinosaur’s speed!

  • Diego BRANDO

    All of you at the farm who looked down on us just because it wasn’t clear who my father was! You all abandoned my mother. You disposed of us both. And my father; God knows where he is! And the owner of the farm! I’ll never forgive any of you! You’re all guilty! Bloody country fucks! I’ll climb to the top of society! If anybody gets in my way, I’ll put them through humiliation worse than getting stew in their shoes! I’ll slash through their pride and scatter it on the ground!




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