Canta "Yesterday" per me (1997)

Yesterday o Utatte / イエスタデイをうたって


  • Manga: Canta "Yesterday" per me
    • Giapponese Yesterday o Utatte
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 15.12.1997 ‑ 03.06.2015
      Volumi / Capitoli: 11 / 113
      Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Kei TOUME Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Italiana Canta "Yesterday" per me
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 14.01.2012 ‑ 16.12.2021
      Volumi / Capitoli: 11 / 113
    • Francese Sing "Yesterday" for Me
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 05.09.2003 ‑ 17.02.2016
      Volumi / Capitoli: 11 / 113
    • Sinonimi: Sing "Yesterday" for Me, Yesterday wo Utatte


Testo della bandella:
Seguiremo le vicende di Rikuo Uozumi, un ragazzo privo di ambizione che, dopo essersi diplomato, inizia a lavorare in un mini-market senza una vera e propria prospettiva di crescita personale o professionale. Nonostante ciò, il luogo in cui lavora è fonte di molti incontri che inizieranno ad arricchire inaspettatamente la sua vita, fra cui i colleghi, un’ex compagna di classe (ed ex fidanzata), e la ‘strana’ Haru Nonaka, una ragazza che ha deciso di non terminare gli studi e che si aggira ovunque insieme a un corvo…
Rikuo has graduated from college, but has zero ambition or direction and works in a convenience store. A strange high-school dropout, Haru, keeps coming around with her pet crow. Rikuo still has a crush on his senior Shinako, who is beginning a teaching career, and who shows up in the store one day. Rikuo’s relationships with the girls, and his feelings about his life, keep changing as the story evolves, bringing in other important characters—Rikuo’s co-worker, the coworker’s sister, and a childhood friend of Shinako’s, etc.
Source: ANN
Rikuo hat die Uni abgeschlossen, jedoch er hat keinerlei Ambitionen oder Ehrgeiz etwas aus seinem Leben zu machen, weshalb er in einem Supermarkt arbeitet. Dort trifft er zum Beispiel auf die seltsame High-School-Abrecherin Haru, die immer mit ihrem Haustier, einer Krähe, vorbeikommt. Auch seine ältere Mitschülerin Shinako, die gerade als Lehrerin angefangen hat, kommt jeden Tag vorbei, was Rikou sehr gefällt, da er schon damals in der Schule ein Auge auf sie geworfen hatte. Rikous Gefühle sowie seine Sicht auf das Leben beginnen sich im Verlauf der Geschichte zu verändern und er trifft auf viel neue Menschen.
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  • Kouichi MINATO

    This emotion … I thought, “Is it pity that I am feeling for this slender woman, living all alone and raising a child by herself in a foreign country?” But I may be wrong. Because, you see, the only thing I remember about her is her laughing face. I want to see that laughin face once again. But … I need courage. I’m sure that … if I meet her in the near future, I won’t be able to come back.

  • Chika YUZUHARA

    Once you’re an adult, your head gets so full of all kinds of unnecessary thoughts that you lose sight of what you really feel. It feels like being a teenager who loses their head over love.


    Sometimes … I have this dream. I’m on my bike and you’re on the back … We’re going down this road that could be anywhere. And I think to myself, “Ahh … this is like a dream.” And then I wake up.


    We live but there’s also death … That’s life! It’s very simple! Stop crying!


    Love is a case of survival of the fittest. It’s like a game of musical chairs. If you pause to gather your wits, he’ll get snapped up from beneath you and you’ll regret it later. Understood? Love is a battle!




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