My Little Monster (2008)

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun / となりの怪物くん


  • Manga: My Little Monster
    © 2009 Robico, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Giapponese Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 23.08.2008 ‑ 24.06.2013
      Volumi / Capitoli: 13 / 52
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Robico Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Inglese My Little Monster
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 11.03.2014 ‑ 29.03.2016
      Volumi / Capitoli: 13 / 52
    • Italiana My Little Monster
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 23.06.2012 ‑ 07.06.2014
      Volumi / Capitoli: 12 / 48
      Publisher: GP Manga
    • Sinonimi: My Neighbor Is a Strange Classmate, My Neighbor Monster-kun, The Monster Next Door, The Monster Next to Me


Testo della bandella:
Shizuku è una vera e propria secchiona! Nella sua vita, infatti, c'è un solo e unico pensiero fisso: STUDIARE! Ma a volte il destino ci mette lo zampino, e galeotto un compito da consegnare, ecco entrare in scena Haru... Una parola tira l’altra e tra i due comincia una specie di amicizia, che sboccia con la dichiarazione d’amore del ragazzo. Come reagirà Shizuku? Il nuovo shojo di Robico (BoyxMeetsxGirl, Secret Love), già un successo in patria, arriva finalmente in Italia: chiedi alla tua fumetteria di fiducia l’esclusiva sovraccoperta limited edition!
Shizuku Mizutani is seated next to a boy called Haru Yoshida, who has not come to school since the first day, as he beat up three classmates and sent them to hospital. Shizuku doesn’t care about anything other than her grades. When she brings Haru some notes from class, he is convinced that they are friends. Later, it turns out that Haru is a very good-hearted person and completely harmless. But who would have thought that he would suddenly confess his love for her?! What will Shizuku do?
Shizuku Mizutani sitzt neben einem Jungen namens Haru Yoshida, der seit dem ersten Schultag nicht mehr zur Schule geht, weil er drei Schüler krankenhausreif geprügelt hat. Shizuku interessiert sich für nichts anderes als ihre Noten. Als sie Haru die Aufzeichnungen für den Unterricht überbringt, ist er gleich davon überzeugt, dass sie Freunde sind. Später stellt sich heraus, dass Haru eine sehr gutherzige Persönlichkeit hat und harmlos ist. Doch wer hätte gedacht, dass er ihr plötzlich seine Liebe gesteht?! Was wird Shizuku tun?
Texte du rabat:
Shizuku Mizutani, jeune lycéenne, ne s’intéresse qu’à ses résultats scolaires. Un jour, alors qu’elle se rend chez Haru Yoshida, un élève à la réputation de mauvais garçon, pour lui remettre des copies des cours auxquels il n’a pas assisté, celui-ci prend la décision unilatérale que Shizuku et lui seront amis! Devant la naïveté de Haru, Shizuku se laisse attendrir et lui montre quelques signes de gentillesse à tel point que Haru, touché qu’elle prenne sa défense, lui fait une déclaration d’amour inattendue! Comment va évoluer la rencontre improbable d’une jeune fille au coeur de pierre avec un drôle de garçon?
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  • Shizuku MIZUTANI

    If you leave, I’ll probably be sad. However, if there’s somewhere else you’d rather be, you should admit it. Don’t lose sight of what you really want.

  • Shizuku MIZUTANI

    The old me would never have known how blue the afternoon sky looks from the roof. My world is growing. What I once considered background noise is now comforting.

  • Shizuku MIZUTANI

    Every time I deal with another person, I’m reminded how little control I have over my life.

  • Asako NATSUME

    There’s nothing more repulsive than being touched by a guy you don’t like.


    You can’t feel lonely if there’s no one else around.




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