My Mister (2018)

Naui Ajeossi / 나의 아저씨

Inglese Reviews – My Mister

Questo topic contiene sia recensioni brevi che più lunghe sul Film «My Mister» e non è assolutamente il posto giusto per discussioni generali! Ogni post deve essere una recensione autonoma che hai scritto tu stesso. Ogni recensione dovrebbe coprire alcuni aspetti fondamentali: trama, personaggi e avere una conclusione personale. Sentiti libero di commentare le recensioni esistenti usando la funzione di commento.
Avatar: xNeliel
  • Story
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My Mister is about life. The sad and harsh truth which is life.

The message My Mister wants to tell is that even though life is this difficult, everyone can succeed and find a way to be truly happy in life. The perfect MC for this is Ji-An who lives a life which probably couldn't be any more difficult and cruel. We follow her steps into what is called "life" and uncover many lessons to be learned.

Another masterpiece, by director Kim Won Suk, who already followed his principle about life-telling stories in Misaeng (2014) and who is the director for the another high ranked drama show - Signal. He clearcly does his job right and I will be looking forward to future works of his. IU and also Lee Sun Kyun are doing wonderful jobs acting in My Mister and several of the supporting actors and actresses are doing an utmost, perfect job and are fitting right into this setting and story. My eye personally stuck to two here: Song Sae Byuk as the youngest of the three brothers aswell as Oh Na Ra as the bar owner Jung Hee. Both of these characters go through each their own struggle themselves and they are very charming. IU and Lee Sun Kyun are perfect in this drama and no one could have fitted the roles better than they did. They make a very charming and real relationship in front of the camera and give this story the kind of meaning it deserves. This might easily be the best acting IU has done so far and I hope she will continue her road of success - she truly deserves it.
Ultima modifica del post risale al 21.06.2019 21:29.
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