A Place Further Than the Universe (2017)

Sora yori mo Tooi Basho / 宇宙よりも遠い場所

Inglese Comments – A Place Further Than the Universe

Questo è il topic di discussione generale per il Anime «A Place Further Than the Universe», in cui puoi postare praticamente qualsiasi cosa che sia troppo generica per la sezione episodi e che non abbia un carattere di recensione. Puoi anche rispondere a qualsiasi commento esistente, ma per favore nota che gli spoiler sono strettamente proibiti in questo topic.
Avatar: sorcery#1
Take a minute to ask yourself this question... If I were to provide a complete translation of "Souya Monogatari" (a forgotten polar expedition anime), would you watch and possibly rate it as highly as Sora yori mo Tooi Basho, even though it has no moeblobs cutely crying beads of tears? If the answer is no, congratulations, you proved my point about how exploitative and incredibly overrated this title is. The single star is for the educative dimension this anime has. That's it. Waifuist fanboys may disagree with me as much as they want, but we know emotionally manipulative operatics work wonders on them.
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