Kengan Ashura (2019)



  • Anime: Kengan Ashura
    • Giapponese Kengan Ashura
      Tipo: Web, 12 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 31.07.2019
      Adattato da: Manga
      Staff: Yabako SANDROVICH (Original Work)
      Sito web:
    • Inglese Kengan Ashura
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 31.07.2019
      Publisher: Netflix, Inc.
    • Italiana Kengan Ashura
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 31.07.2019
      Publisher: Netflix, Inc.


L’adattamento anime del manga «Kengan Ashura» di Yabako Sandrovich ci rapisce nell’era Edo del Giappone. In questo periodo è normale trovare in diverse regioni del Giappone arene per gladiatori, nelle quali possenti guerrieri combattano come passatempo di commercianti ricchi. Secondo il motto «The winner takes it all (il vincitore prende tutto)» come montepremi per il vincitore fungono gli introiti dei combattimenti, mentre per i commercianti queste sono buone occasioni per appianare i loro, apparentemente irrisolvibili, litigi.

Ma il panorama dell’arena cambia repentinamente quando appare sulla scena il misterioso Ouma Tokita. Il suo soprannome «Ashura» lo deve alla sua immensa forza. Nei combattimenti si butta come un ossesso nella mischia e riduce a brandelli i suoi avversari. La sua abilità non rimangono a lungo inosservate. E così il presidente del gruppo Nogi, Hideki Nogi, nota il «titano dell’arena» …
The anime adaptation of Yabako Sandrovich‘s Kengan Ashura” manga takes us back to Japan’s Edo era. At this time, it is quite normal for gladiator arenas to exist in various regions of Japan, where powerful warriors can measure their strength as a pastime for rich businessmen and traders. “The winner takes it all” is the motto, and thus the proceeds from the fights – the prize money – go to the winner of the fight, and for the merchants themselves, this is a good opportunity to settle their seemingly unsolvable disputes amongst each other.

But the arena is about to change when the mysterious Ouma Tokita appears on the scene. The mighty warrior has definitely earned his nickname “Ashura” because his power knows no bounds. In the brutal competitions, he throws himself into the turmoil like a man possessed by violence and wrecks his opponents like no one has ever seen before … Of course, his abilities don’t remain undiscovered for long, and so the chairman of the Nogi Group, Hideki Nogi, becomes aware of the “Arena Titan” …
Die Anime-Adaption zu Yabako Sandrovichs »Kengan Ashura«-Manga entführt uns in die Edo-Epoche Japans. Zu dieser Zeit ist es völlig natürlich, dass in verschiedenen Regionen Japans Gladiatorenarenen existieren, in denen mächtige Krieger als Zeitvertreib für reiche Geschäftsleute und Händler ihre Kräfte messen können. Frei nach dem Motto »The winner takes it all« gehen die Erlöse aus den Kämpfen als Preisgeld an den Gewinner des Kampfes und für die Händler selbst bietet sich hiermit eine gute Gelegenheit, ihre anscheinend unlösbaren Streitigkeiten untereinander beizulegen.

Doch die Arenalandschaft soll sich schlagartig ändern, als der mysteriöse Ouma Tokita auf der Bildfläche erscheint. Seinen Spitznamen »Ashura« hat der mächtige Krieger sich in jedem Fall verdient, denn seine Macht kennt keine Grenzen. In den brutalen Wettkämpfen stürzt er sich wie besessen von Gewalt ins Getümmel und richtet seine Gegner nach allen Regeln der Kunst zu Boden … Seine Fähigkeiten bleiben natürlich nicht lange unentdeckt und so wird der Vorsitzende der Nogi-Gruppe, Hideki Nogi, auf den »Arenatitan« aufmerksam …
L’adaptation en anime du manga « Kengan Ashura » de Yabako Sandrovich nous emmène à l‘ère Edo du Japon. À cette époque, il est tout à fait naturel que des arènes de gladiateurs existent dans diverses régions du Japon, où de puissants guerriers peuvent mesurer leur force comme passe-temps pour les riches hommes d’affaires et les marchands. Fidèle à la devise « Le vainqueur emporte tout », les recettes des combats sont versées au vainqueur du combat, et pour les marchands c’est une bonne occasion de régler leurs différends apparemment insurmontables entre eux.

Mais le paysage de l’arène est sur le point de changer brusquement lorsque le mystérieux Ouma Tokita apparaît. Le puissant guerrier a en tout cas mérité son surnom d’« Ashura », car sa puissance ne connaît pas de limites. Au cours des compétitions brutales, il se jette dans la mêlée comme s’il était obsédé par la violence et envoie ses adversaires au sol en suivant toutes les règles de l’art… Ses compétences, bien sûr, ne restent pas longtemps inconnues et c’est ainsi que le président du groupe Nogi, Hideki Nogi, prend connaissance de l’« Arenatitan »…
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  • Ouma TOKITA

    That guy died because he was weak. The weak die … Isn’t that just the way things are?

  • Ouma TOKITA

    Getting ripped, getting punched, getting thrown, then crushing your opponent after they’ve thrown everything they have at you … How could there be anything better than that …!?

  • Ouma TOKITA

    Vengeance? That was never my plan to begin with! Your master and Niko died because they were weak, because they lost! There’s only one reason I was going after your master … I couldn’t stand that there was anyone in the world that was stronger than me!!! I’m gonna crush anyone that claims to be the strongest! So that I can prove that I’m the strongest!!!!!


    … Ouma, you’re “strong.” Now, I haven’t seen every one in the world. And there might be someone even stronger than you out there for all I know. But to me, you’re the “strongest.” You never give up in the face of adversity … you’ve taught me that true strength is more than just physical strength! I could change myself because of you. You saved me!!! And I’m so ashamed that I haven’t done anything to repay you …




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