Psycho-Pass 3 (2019)

サイコパス 3



È passato del tempo dagli avvenimenti della serie originale. Accompagniamo i due neo ispettori Kei Mikhail Ignatov e Arata Shindou in uno dei loro primi casi che devono sbrigare per l’Ufficio di Pubblica Sicurezza. Si tratta di una nave in avaria sulla quale venivano trasportati immigranti, ma si accorgono presto che l’apparenza inganna e che si nasconde di più dietro al naufragio. Con la loro perseveranza nel perseguimento del caso, attirano su di se l’attenzione di un’organizzazione malavitosa: Bifrost – anche se non sono gli unici a nutrire un certo interesse per i due ispettori nuovi …
Quite some time has passed since the events of the original series. We accompany the two entry-level professionals Kei Mikhail Ignatov and Arata Shindou, as they work on one of their first cases for the Public Safety Bureau. It involves a wrecked ship carrying immigrants. The two of them realize rather quickly that the appearances are deceptive and deeper intentions with the misfortune were to be disguised. Their persistence in pursuing the case attracts the attention of a shady organization called Bifrost—but they’re not the only ones interested in the two new inspectors …
Einige Zeit ist seit den Geschehnissen der Originalserie vergangen. Wir begleiten die beiden Berufseinsteiger Kei Mikhail Ignatov und Arata Shindou bei einem ihrer ersten Fälle, den sie für das Amt für öffentliche Sicherheit bearbeiten. Dabei geht es um ein verunglücktes Schiff, auf dem Immigranten transportiert wurden. Die beiden merken relativ schnell, dass der Schein trügt und dass tiefer liegende Absichten mit dem Unglück verschleiert werden sollten. Mit ihrer Hartnäckigkeit bei der Verfolgung des Falles ziehen sie die Aufmerksamkeit einer zwielichtigen Organisation namens Bifrost auf sich – die aber nicht die einzigen sind, die sich für die beiden neuen Inspektoren interessieren …
Du temps a passé depuis les événements de la série originale. Nous rejoignons deux nouveaux, Kei Mikhail Ignatov et Arata Shindou, sur l’une de leurs premières affaires pour le Bureau de la sécurité publique. L’affaire concerne un navire qui s’est écrasé, transportant des immigrants. Les deux hommes se rendent rapidement compte que les apparences sont trompeuses et que les intentions derrière l’accident sont dissimulées. Par leur persistance dans la poursuite de l’affaire, ils attirent l’attention d’une organisation louche appelée Bifrost. Mais ils ne sont pas les seuls à s’intéresser aux deux nouveaux inspecteurs…
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Immagini (60 Screenshot)




    The Law doesn’t protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings… The accumulation of those people’s feelings are the law. They’re neither the provisions nor the system. They are the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts Compared to the power of anger and hatred, they are something that can quite easily break down. People have prayed for a better world throughout time. In order for those prayers to continue to hold meaning, we have to try our best to protect it to the very end. We just can’t give up on it.

  • Shin'ya KOUGAMI

    I’m sorry. I couldn’t keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people.That’s why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can’t judge him. As long as I’m a detective, I can’t touch him. This case made me aware… that the law can’t protect people.




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