The Case Files of Jeweler Richard (2020)

Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei / 宝石商リチャード氏の謎鑑定


  • Anime: The Case Files of Jeweler Richard
    © 辻村七子/集英社・宝石商リチャード氏の謎鑑定製作委員会
    • Giapponese Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
      Hōsekishō Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
      Tipo: Serie TV, 12 (~)
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.01.2020 ‑ 26.03.2020
      Studio: Shuka Inc.
      Adattato da: Light Novel
      Staff: Nanako TSUJIMURA (Original Work), Tarou IWASAKI (Direction), Natsuko KONDOU (Character Design), Nobuko TODA (Music)
    • Inglese The Case Files of Jeweler Richard
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.01.2020 ‑ 26.03.2020
      Publisher: Crunchyroll
    • Italiana The Case Files of Jeweler Richard
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 09.01.2020 ‑ 26.03.2020
      Publisher: Crunchyroll
    • Sinonimi: The Mystery Appraisals of Mr. Richard the Jeweler


La serie anime «The Case Files of Jeweler Richard» tratta del perito di gioielli Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian. L’attrattivo britannico è in possesso di conoscenze particolari nel settore della mineralogia e conduce, pertanto, un piccolo negozio di gioielli in Giappone. Una notte viene, a causa del suo bel aspetto, molestato da un paio di uomini ubriachi e salvato dallo studente Seigi Nakata. Quando Seigi scopre che Richard è un gioielliere lo prega di scoprire la storia di un anello che gli è stato tramandato dalla nonna. Non passa molto tempo che Seigi inizia a lavorare part-time da Richard e a conquistarsi la sua fiducia. I due lavorano insieme alle richieste di clienti di scoprire la storia nascosta dietro ai loro gioielli, mentre anche Richard e Seigi hanno dei segreti che non vogliono rivelare.
The anime series “The Case Files of Jeweler Richard” is about the jewellery appraiser Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian. The good-looking Briton has special knowledge in the field of mineralogy and therefore runs a small jewellery shop in Japan. One night, he is harassed in the street by a couple of drunken men because of his good looks and is rescued by the student Seigi Nakata. When Seigi finds out that Richard works as a jeweller, he asks him to research the backstory of a ring his grandmother left him. It is not long before Seigi starts working part-time for Richard and gaining his trust. The two of them work together on enquiries from their clients concerning various pieces of jewellery and their background stories, while Richard and Seigi also each have their own secrets that they keep from each other.
Die Anime-Serie »The Case Files of Jeweler Richard« handelt von dem Schmuckgutachter Richard Ranashinha de Vulpian. Der gut aussehende Brite besitzt besondere Kenntnisse im Bereich der Mineralogie und führt daher in Japan ein kleines Juweliergeschäft. Eines Nachts wird er auf der Straße aufgrund seines guten Aussehens von ein paar angetrunkenen Männern belästigt und von dem Studenten Seigi Nakata gerettet. Als Seigi herausfindet, dass Richard als Juwelier arbeitet, bittet er ihn, die Hintergrundgeschichte eines Rings zu erforschen, den ihm seine Großmutter hinterlassen hat. Es dauert nicht lange und Seigi beginnt in Teilzeit bei Richard zu arbeiten und dessen Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Die beiden arbeiten gemeinsam an Anfragen ihrer Klienten mit Bezug zu diversen Schmuckstücken und deren Hintergrundgeschichten, dabei haben auch Richard und Seigi jeweils ihre eigenen Geheimnisse, die sie einander verschweigen.
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    Gemstones are mirrors that reflect their owners. They’d never lead you to an answer you didn’t desire.


    I simply abhor those who use the power of gemstones for selfish desires.

  • Seigi NAKATA

    Grandma, why do people laugh at me for helping those in need?




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