Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens (2020)

Yuu Gi Ou: Sevens / 遊☆戯☆王SEVENS



Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
In Goha City, the mega-corporation Goha Enterprises controls practically everything that has to do with the lives of its inhabitants. Besides everyday things like food, clothing and shelter, they also determine the rules of the game Duel Monsters. Anyone who does not comply is immediately admonished and can even be expelled altogether. No wonder, then, that the young and rebellious Yuga Ohdo has had enough of all the rigid and terribly serious rules. So it comes about that he has developed his own version of the game, the so-called Rush Duel, from which he expects more entertainment – not only for him but for all spectators.

It is not long before Yuga, with the help of his school friend Luke, succeeds in establishing his rules in the system. Although the latter warns him not to put this new way of playing too much in the limelight, Yuga does not even think of giving in, as he is so much closer to his heart’s desire. Because he is conducting more and more such duels in his environment, it does not take long for Goha Enterprises to show quite displeasure with the development. Several plans are initiated to control this new game, but Yuga doesn’t give in that easily and, if necessary, ensures that “his” Rush Duel becomes more and more popular.
In Goha City kontrolliert das Mega-Unternehmen Goha Enterprises praktisch alles, was mit dem Leben seiner Bewohner zu tun hat. Neben alltäglichen Dingen wie Nahrung, Kleidung und Unterkunft bestimmen sie aber auch die Regeln des Spiels Duel Monsters; wer sich nicht daran hält, wird umgehend ermahnt und kann sogar gänzlich ausgeschlossen werden. Kein Wunder also, dass der junge und rebellische Yuga Ohdo mittlerweile die Nase voll hat von all den starren und furchtbar ernsten Regeln. So kommt es, dass er seine eigene Version des Spiels, das sogenannte Rush Duel, entwickelt hat, von dem er sich mehr Unterhaltung erwartet – nicht nur für ihn, sondern für alle Zuschauer.

Es dauert nicht lang, bis es Yuga mithilfe seines Schulfreundes Luke gelingt, seine Regeln im System zu etablieren. Zwar warnt ihn Letzterer davor, diese neue Spielweise zu sehr ins Rampenlicht zu stellen, doch Yuga denkt gar nicht daran, klein beizugeben, ist er seinem Herzenswunsch so viel näher. Weil er mehr und mehr solche Duelle in seinem Umfeld durchführt, dauert es nicht lang, bis Goha Enterprises ziemlich Missfallen an der Entwicklung zeigt. Etliche Pläne werden in die Wege geleitet, um dieser neuen Spielart Herr zu werden, aber so leicht lässt sich Yuga nicht unterkriegen und sorgt notfalls eben duellierend dafür, dass »sein« Rush Duel immer mehr Anklang findet.
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Immagini (36 Screenshot)


Il pezzo centrale di ogni Anime è il suo cast di personaggi che guida la trama e attira il pubblico. Vuoi aggiungere personaggio per il Anime «Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens»? Abbiamo una sezione speciale per i personaggi e un team dedicato, che ti aiuterà in caso di necessità. Nei nostri forum puoi anche trovare un tutorial generale (in tedesco) per inserire personaggi nel nostro database. Non vediamo l’ora di videre i tuoi contributi!




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