Fate/Grand Carnival (2020)




Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Fate/Grand Carnival» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Fate/Grand Carnival»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
In its four episodes, this OVA series puts several characters from the “Fate” universe, especially from the “Fate/Grand Order” series, into not quite typical situations.

Episode 1:
Who said that being a Servant is a safe existence? Not the Chaldea organisation, as there are enough problems even without conflicts: as resource shortages slowly set in due to a never-ending onslaught of members, a competition is held for the sake of thinning out. Who will be among the remaining ones in the end?

Episode 2:
Because Jeanne d’Arc suffers from a lack of liquidity due to nebulous circumstances, she needs a part-time job very quickly – but who would have thought she would work in a nightclub of all places? In any case, her personality doesn’t seem to fit the new job very well …

Episode 3:
Servants also want reasonable working conditions, and the current ones seem to be anything but great. Things like perceived inequality, unscheduled delays in assignments etc. led to a strike led by Edward Teach to finally achieve uniform and, above all, fair conditions.

Episode 4:
Ereshkigal is unhappy: whatever she does, nothing seems to bring her enough attention from her master. Ritsuka. So now she has to find an unconventional solution: her own channel on the video platform ServantTube. However, her aspirations to be a streamer also seem to generate displeasure on the part of Osakabehime
Diese OVA-Reihe versetzt in ihren vier Episoden etliche Figuren aus dem »Fate«-Universum, insbesondere aus der »Fate/Grand Order«-Reihe, in nicht ganz typische Situationen.

Episode 1:
Wer hat behauptet, das Heldengeist-Dasein wäre eine sichere Existenz? Die Organisation Chaldea jedenfalls nicht, denn auch ohne Konflikte gibt es genug Probleme: Da aufgrund eines nicht verebbenden Ansturms an Mitgliedern langsam Ressourcenknappheit einsetzt, wird zum Wohl der Ausdünnung ein Wettbewerb veranstaltet. Wer wird am Ende zu den Verbleibenden gehören?

Episode 2:
Weil Jeanne d’Arc aufgrund eher nebulöser Umstände an mangelnder Liquidität leidet, muss ganz schnell ein Nebenjob her – doch wer hätte gedacht, dass sie ausgerechnet in einem Nachtclub arbeiten würde? Ihre Persönlichkeit scheint zur neuen Arbeit jedenfalls nicht gerade zu passen …

Episode 3:
Auch Heldengeister wollen vernünftige Arbeitskonditionen, und die scheinen alles andere als toll zu sein. Dinge wie gefühlte Ungleichheit, ungeplante Verzögerungen beim Einsatz usw. führen zu einem Streik, der von Edward Teach angeführt wird und endlich einheitliche und vor allem faire Bedingungen erreichen soll.

Episode 4:
Ereshkigal ist unglücklich: Was auch immer sie anstellt, nichts scheint ihr ausreichend Beachtung ihres Masters Ritsuka zu bringen. Daher muss nun eine unkonventionelle Lösung her: ein eigener Kanal auf der Videoplattform ServantTube. Allerdings scheinen ihre Bestrebung nach einem Streamer-Dasein auch Missfallen seitens Osakabehime zu erzeugen …
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Se vuoi dare una buona prima occhiata a qualcosa, non c’è niente di meglio di un trailer. Lo pensiamo anche noi, ed è per questo che ci piacerebbe mostrarti un assortimento di trailer per il Anime «Fate/Grand Carnival» su questa pagina, se ne siamo a conoscenza. Se hai già visto uno o più trailer per questo Anime, sentiti libero di inserirli nel nostro database, usando il formulario di inserimento.

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Immagini (22 Screenshot)




    You don’t have to force yourself to do something big. You do what you can. And I do what I can. In this world, those are things each of us can only do for ourselves.




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