Kaginado Season 2 (2022)

かぎなど シーズン2



Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Kaginado Season 2» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Kaginado Season 2»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
The school festival may have been unusual, but the much-anticipated beauty pageant was not, as all the male contestants ended up wearing girls’ school uniforms. Of all people, the presenter of the competition suddenly turned out to be Yuri Nakamura, who, together with the Afterlife Battlefront, not only wants to raze the festival to the ground but also the entire world. The reason: the world seems so comfortable and pleasant to Yuri and her allies, so it can only be about the afterlife.

But in “Kaginado Season 2”, too, things rarely go as expected: while quite a few people present puzzle over whether the statement is true or whether they themselves are even alive, quite a few members of the Afterlife Battlefront again seem more interested in enjoying the festival than sabotaging it. Now, the members of the Kaginado Academy have to deal with this poorly organised and God-despising group, and even the most typical events like a visit to the beach or a music festival are chaotic enough …
Das Schulfest mag zwar von so mancher Ungewöhnlichkeit geprägt gewesen sein, aber beim heiß erwarteten Schönheitswettbewerb kam es dann doch anders, als letztendlich alle männlichen Teilnehmer in Mädchen-Schuluniformen auftraten. Ausgerechnet die Moderatorin des Wettbewerbs entpuppte sich plötzlich als Yuri Nakamura, die gemeinsam mit der Afterlife Battlefront nicht nur das Fest, sondern mal eben die ganze Welt dem Erdboden gleich machen will. Die Begründung: Die Welt erscheint Yuri und ihren Verbündeten als derart bequem und angenehm, es kann sich dabei nur ums Jenseits handeln.

Aber auch in »Kaginado Staffel 2« verlaufen die Dinge selten wie erwartet: Während etliche Anwesenden rätseln, ob die Aussage stimmt oder ob sie selbst überhaupt lebendig sind, scheinen mehrere Mitglieder der Afterlife Battlefront wiederum mehr Interesse daran zu haben, das Fest zu genießen anstelle es zu sabotieren. Nun müssen sich die Mitglieder der Kaginado-Akademie zusätzlich mit dieser schlecht organisierten und Gott verachtenden Truppe herumschlagen, dabei verlaufen doch selbst typischste Ereignisse wie ein Strandbesuch oder ein Musikfest schon chaotisch genug …
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    When we were still in the world of living, death was something that came indiscriminately and randomly. So, there was no way to fight it.


    If I lost my memories…and got a different personality…I might be able to. But then, what does it mean to be reborn? That isn’t the life I had anymore. It’s someone else’s life. Everyone only gets to live life one time [Yuri places her hand on her chest.], and it’s right here. I only get it once. This is my life. I can’t entrust it to someone, I can’t steal a new one, I can’t force it on others, I can’t forget it or erase it. I can’t stomp over it, laugh on it, or beautify it! I can’t anything! I’d have to-I’d have to accept my one shot at life no matter how cruel, merciless, or unfair I thought it was! Sir, don’t you understand? That is why I must fight. I must keep on fighting! Because…because I can never…[Slams her hands on her desk.] accept that kind of life!

  • Yukito KUNISAKI

    Wings that can’t fly still have a purpose, because no matter what happens they still hold the memories of being able to fly.




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