Boku wa Chiisana Succubus no Shimobe (2022)


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Inglese Reviews – Boku wa Chiisana Succubus no Shimobe

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Avatar: NoneNoOne#1
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One day, loli demons stand naked in the protagonist's room. They want to make him a sex slave because they get energy from the sexual act. Sounds strange? It is, but luckily the hentai seems to have the “plot”.

If you like more dominant lolis in a vanilla "plot" and don't care about a lack of story, then I can recommend this hentai to you. Even if you only like vanilla I can recommend it.

Genre: loli (FBI: I swear they're probably 1000 years old.), vanilla, blow job, handjob, threesome
Art style: not detailed, but soft and smooth and somewhat shiny


We actually barely see any story and the story we do see is thrown in bits and pieces in flashbacks with no context. Tiffany is a demon, more specifically a succubus, and draws her energy from the sexual act. Chloe is a half-demon and steals the life energy of the person opposite during the sexual act. She was locked in a cage by humans as a child and hates humans. The two need a sex partner and the protagonist seems to offer himself there. At first he resists, but it ends quickly.

The art style is cool and the way the cover looks. The animations are clean, except for two moments. The hover animation is bad... As if someone cut out an image and dragged it across the screen. Luckily they only float for a very short time.
There is also a shot where the blonde is riding him, we get his front perspective, with her body lying (the frame rate is probably too low), but the moment is only brief and can be forgiven.
The "plot" scenes are repetitive in the process and animations, but the negative attribute is lost due to the regular change in good perspectives. I've rarely seen anything so good (that's praise, even if it doesn't sound like it).
The lips are not well synchronized (voice acting works, but sometimes the animation of the mouth stays with whatever happened before (e.g. heavy breathing during orgasm) even though people are talking). But you can ignore that.

They actually have personalities. Tiffany is dominant, cheerful, friendly and just a little aggressive. Chloe is dominant, but quickly gives it up, vindictive, hates people who she quickly dismisses, and becomes quite friendly and reserved.
The dude just exists, first complains, then joins in voluntarily, then complains again and then joins in again... He's somewhat friendly, but basically he doesn't have much of a personality.

The vioce acting of the two girls is very good, but something is wrong with the dude.
He doesn't have any real ups and downs in voice acting... Of course you can hear a few emotions, but I think that's far too weak.
Whoever thought that the music should be louder during the "plot" even though they are talking: why? It fits 0. Otherwise the music does its job, but in episodes 1 and 2 there is a moment where in the middle of "plot" the music gets unnecessarily louder, but whatever...
The sounds are good and appropriate, but it's also hard to fail.

Boy that was good. They didn't build up the sexual tension, but the "plot" itself was convincing with all the components it contained. All negative points can easily be ignored, even if the music thing is really annoying the second time you watch it, but whatever. The build-up of ecstasy would be better, but she also likes the hentai at least on average. The vanilla genre was implemented brilliantly, despite there being little scenery. I would recommend it for that reason alone.
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