Succubus Connect! (2024)


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Inglese Reviews – Succubus Connect!

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Avatar: NoneNoOne#1
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It's a classic new Magin story: A girl is extremely naive and stupid, then is harassed by men and then sleeps with them. Good: Here she sleeps with the men pseudo-voluntarily, but that doesn't make it any better.

Unfortunately it's a hentai like Magin has been producing for the last few years. The animations are ok, the story has a lot of room for improvement, the eroticism is hardly available,... All in all, hardly anyone will like it. If you like Magin, then you might also like this work, but otherwise I can't recommend it to anyone else.

Genre: reverse-rape, creampie, isekai, big oppai, blow job, foot job...
Artstyle: It's like a bad work of Magin .

Yuina loves her non-biological big brother. One night as she thinks about her brother while masturbating, she suddenly finds herself in a forest, a new world. She is harassed by a man, whereupon a succubus appears in front of her and saves her. The succubus is called Succu and explains to Yuina that she can return to her old world via a portal. In order to create a large enough portal she has to become a succubus herself and in order to do that she has to seduce enough men and so the adventure of Yuina and Succu begins.

It's stupid... Where can her only motivation to return be her brother? How can there be a place called "Sex Demon Castle"? It's dull and you have no real incentive to continue watching it.

The running is slow, the characters all have a little aura around them for no reason (as if someone with a high level of transparency had always drawn over the lines), the scenes are not exactly erotic. The art style is like Magin. The environments look good and the bodies themselves are well drawn, but that's it. The amount of body fluids is again unnecessarily high.

You don't learn anything about the characters, which is really interesting. You don't feel any connection to the characters. It's another one of the hentai where the characters only exist for sexual intercourse.

"You can't mess that up.", You can. The music does its job, the sounds are ok, the voice actors do their best, but what are these effects on the voices? Why does the voice of Yuina echo? The other stuff isn't good either, but you can watch it.

It's stupid rape. You feel nothing for the characters and the succubus has no feelings about it. Of course she's used to it, but of course it takes away a lot of the eroticism. There's no real foreplay or anything. Of course, different fetishes are covered with blow job and foot job, but that doesn't make up for the rest.
Ultima modifica del post risale al 11.05.2024 09:59.
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