Haibane Renmei (2002)




Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «Haibane Renmei» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Haibane Renmei»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
A girl falls from the sky – and is reborn in the process.

Hatched out of a cocoon, she became a “haibane”, a being with ash-grey wings on her back and a glowing halo above her head. All her memories of her previous life have been erased. The girl is greeted warmly by the other residents of the “Old Home”. From now on, her name will be “Rakka” because all Haibans are named after the dream they had in their cocoon.

The city of Guri, where the Haibane live, is surrounded by a huge wall that must not be touched, let alone crossed. Only the mysterious crows know what lies behind the stone bulwark. It is said that the birds carry away the lost memories of the Haibane as they fly over the wall. A new life begins for Rakka. The city‘s people are friendly, and the other Haibane take great care of the newborn. But is this new world really as paradise as it seems?
Ein Mädchen fällt vom Himmel – und wird dabei wiedergeboren.

Aus einem Kokon schlüpfend ist sie zu einer »Haibane« geworden, einem Wesen mit aschgrauen Flügeln auf ihrem Rücken und einem leuchtenden Heiligenschein über ihrem Kopf. All ihre Erinnerungen an ihr voriges Lebens sind gelöscht. Von den anderen Bewohnern des Hauses »Old Home« wird das Mädchen freundlich begrüßt. »Rakka« soll von nun an ihr Name sein, denn alle Haibane werden nach dem Traum benannt, welchen sie in ihrem Kokon hatten.

Die Stadt Guri, in der die Haibane leben, ist umgeben von einer gewaltigen Mauer, die nicht berührt, geschweige denn überschritten werden darf. Nur die mysteriösen Krähen wissen, was sich hinter dem steinernen Bollwerk verbirgt. Man sagt, dass die Vögel beim Flug über die Mauer die verloren gegangenen Erinnerungen der Haibane davontragen. Für Rakka beginnt ein neues Leben. Die Menschen der Stadt sind freundlich und die anderen Haibane kümmern sich sehr um die Neugeborene. Doch ist diese neue Welt wirklich das Paradies, das es zu sein scheint?
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  • Reki

    This town is my prison. The walls are a symbol of my death.

  • Reki

    This is my cocoon dream. The nightmare that has been tormenting my existence in this world. I was walking along this path. I remember cold winds stinging my cheeks that were wet from tears. I heard a sound from far away. But I was too tired to think. I remember wanting to become a stone. A stone that doesn’t feel pain. Or sorrow.

  • Reki

    There is no such thing as forever. Everything ends sooner or later. Just as it should. Because now is only now. And this moment … is so precious.




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Avatar: simo.cocu#1
Haibane Renmei è una serie assolutamente unica che coinvolge subito e trasporta fino alla fine, lasciando veramente qualcosa nell'animo dello spettatore. L'anime alterna scene drammatiche e piene di emozioni a momenti narrativi quasi quotidiani. Un senso di tranquillità pervade lo spettatore durante l'intera narrazione quasi a sottolineare la sua dote di anime sognante, riflessivo e profondo. Haibane Renmei è un anime da tramandare ma che presuppone un pubblico selezionato e che cerca nell'animazione qualcosa di più che il mero svago; ma se fate parte della categoria difficilmente riuscirete a scordarlo.
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