Hetalia World Series (2010)

ヘタリア World Series


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  • Alfred F. JONES
    Alfred F. JONES

    en You Frenchies just love to hate us! Why don’t you go back to making statues of hot green chicks!

  • Alfred F. JONES
    Alfred F. JONES

    en I say we attack Italy first, because they can’t drive and are usually drunk.

  • Alfred F. JONES
    Alfred F. JONES

    en Dude! Christmas rocks! We know how to do it right, here! First, we X out the ‘Christ’ part to make it extreme! Then we shop and eat stuff ’til we’re sick! Wanna shovel down some X-Mas cake to get in the spirit?


    en When I look into all of your stupid faces, I think how fun it will be to pound them into dust.


    en I hide dark secret no one will guess because of my sweet face.

  • Arthur KIRKLAND
    Arthur KIRKLAND

    en Am I Catholic or Protestant…? God, I don’t know…

  • Peter KIRKLAND
    Peter KIRKLAND

    en Sometimes I like to ride the goat while I swab the deck!
    And that’s not a euphemism for anything!

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