The World God Only Knows Season 2 (2011)

Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II / 神のみぞ知るセカイII The World God Only Knows II



Un breve riassunto della trama del Anime «The World God Only Knows Season 2» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «The World God Only Knows Season 2»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Every otaku’s favorite dating-sims champion is back! Keima still has his adorable lost soul-hunting, demon cutie with him, and together, they continue their pursuit of finding escaped lost souls who are hiding within beautiful, young school girls. But how to release these trapped spirits? Why, they have to get the girls to fall in love, of course!

This time when lost souls turn up in everyone from the school’s sexy bully to the school’s hottest new student teacher, Keima finds even his romantic powers are going to have to work over time. And when a giant loose soul turns the entire school into a group of love-starved zombies, Keima and Elsie have to recruit a new demon to help!
Nachdem Keima die Herzen von vier Mädchen erobert und somit die Seelen, welche sich dort versteckt hielten, gefangen hat, scheint sich sein Leben auf den ersten Blick normalisiert zu haben. Jedoch hält dieser Frieden nicht allzu lange an. Als Haqua, eine gute Freundin von Elsee und Musterschülerin, während ihrer gemeinsamen Schulzeit in der Hölle auftaucht und erklärt, dass sie nun ebenfalls einen Bezirk leitet, ahnt Keima bereits das Schlimmste. Als er dann auch noch bemerkt, dass Haqua offenbar etwas verheimlicht, ist es vorbei mit seinen »Dating Sims« und seine Fähigkeiten als Capturing God sind wieder gefragt. Sein Ziel dieses Mal: ein Dämon.
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    In a world like that, there’d be no need for love anymore either. If everyone were perfect, there would be no need to look out for others. Sympathy or love is needed because people are imperfect. A perfect human cannot love anyone.


    I believe that the ideal world lies somewhere, but that world may not necessarily be a perfect world. Are flaws really bad? Because they are not perfect they become worried… they don’t stand still and instead move forward. After they become perfect, they will stand still. Incompleteness is the ideal.


    If the ideal world can be found in a bad game, it can be found in the real world as well.


    True, I’ve given up on the real world, however I haven’t given up on myself. The world doesn’t get to decide whether my life is boring, fun, or ordinary coz that’s my decision to make. As long as I have the will nothing is impossible!


    Don’t be upset because of what you can’t do. Do what you do best, live as carefree and optimistically as you can, because some people aren’t able to do that.




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