Hunter × Hunter (2011)

Hunter × Hunter (2011) / ハンター×ハンター (2011)


Qui puoi trovare tutti i tipi di citazioni del Anime «Hunter × Hunter». Se conosci altre citazioni interessanti, sentiti libero di aggiungerle usando il modulo di inserimento nel profilo del personaggio rispettivo.

    en If you want to get to know someone, find out what makes them angry.

  • Killua ZOLDYCK
    Killua ZOLDYCK

    en The letters I’ve written before are all blackmail to people.
    I’m not sure if I know how to write a real letter.

  • Killua ZOLDYCK
    Killua ZOLDYCK

    en They were traps? I thought they were attractions.

  • Kurapika

    en I do not fear death. I fear only that my rage will fade over time.

  • Meruem

    en Think as hard as those weak brains of yours can manage. Have you ever spared a pig or a cow as it begged for its life?

    Anime: Hunter × Hunter [Episodio 93]
  • Meruem

    en In the hands of an incompetent, power brings nothing but ruin.

    Anime: Hunter × Hunter [Episodio 93]
  • Rouba

    en You have to imagine everything, even the worst … because reality doesn’t have a place for feelings …

    ja Arayuru zankoku na kuusou ni taete oke. Genjitsu wa totsuzen mujihi ni naru mono dakara na. (あらゆる残酷な空想に耐えておけ。現実は突然無慈悲になるものだからな。)

    Anime: Hunter X Hunter [Episodio 2]
    Manga: Hunter x Hunter [Capitolo 3] [Volume 1]
  • Majitani

    en I need blood! Ripped Bodies! Pain!

    ja Chi wo!! Zoumotsu wo!! Kutsuu wo!! (血を!!臓物を!!苦痛を!!)

    Anime: Hunter × Hunter [Episodio 9]
    Manga: Hunter x Hunter [Capitolo 18] [Volume 3]
  • Majitani

    en For me, the only things that excite me are the fights in which we risk our life. I don’t like making the things in half!

    ja Ore wa inochi no yaritori ja nakerya koufun dekinee. (オレは命のやり取りじゃなけりゃ興奮できねエ。ハンバな勝負は受けねエぜ!)

    Anime: Hunter × Hunter [Episodio 9]
    Manga: Hunter x Hunter [Capitolo 18] [Volume 3]
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