Accel World (2012)




Per Haruyuki la vita reale è un orrore. Con la sua postura piccola e tozza non è esattamente un latin lover, ma una tipica vittima per i bulli di scuola. Egli si rifugia nella vita virtuale dove può dedicarsi alla sua passione: lo Squash. Solo Kuroyukihime è stato in grado di batterlo. La bella e popolare ragazza fa un’offerta speciale ad Haruyuki, un programma per computer chiamato Brain Burst, che gli permetterebbe di fermare il tempo nel mondo reale. Questo potere però non è gratis, tutti gli utenti devono regolarmente combattere gli uni contro gli altri e vincere, perché per chi perde, il programma si chiude per sempre.
In year 2046, Haruyuki Arita a small and heavyset boy is on the lowest of the social rungs of his school. Often a victim of bullying, he is frequently retiring to the virtual world where he can pursue his hobby, Squash. When Kuroyukihime, the most popular girl in school broke his (normally unbeatable) record, she made him a special offer. She introduces him to a mysterious program called Brain Burst which is a virtual reality game taking place in the so called Accelerated World (Accel World). The program offers him the possibility to slow down time, but everything comes at a price …’
Für Haruyuki ist das reale Leben ein Horror. Mit seiner kleinen und stämmigen Figur ist er nicht gerade ein Frauenheld sondern ein beliebtes Opfer für die Schikanen der Schulraudis. Zuflucht findet er in der virtuellen Welt, wo er seiner Leidenschaft, dem Squash nachgehen kann. Nur Kuroyukihime hat es geschafft ihn darin zu schlagen. Das hübsche und beliebte Mädchen macht Haruyuki ein ganz besonderes Angebot, ein Computerprogramm namens Brain Burst, das es ihm ermöglicht im realen Leben die Zeit praktisch anzuhalten. Doch diese Fähigkeit ist nicht umsonst, alle Benutzer müssen regelmäßig gegeneinander antreten und gewinnen sonst sperrt sich das Programm für sie für immer.
Para Haruyuki, la vida real es un horror. Con su pequeña y fornida figura no es precisamente un donjuán, sino más bien una víctima regular de las bromas y el acoso de los matones del colegio. Él encuentra refugio en el mundo virtual, donde puede perseguir su pasión, el squash, un juego en el que solo Kuroyukihime ha conseguido ganarle. Esta chica, que es muy guapa y popular, le hace una oferta bastante especial: un programa de computadora llamado Brain Burst, que prácticamente le permite detener el tiempo en la vida real. Sin embargo, esta habilidad no es gratis; todos los usuarios deben competir regularmente entre sí y él tiene que ganar, de lo contrario el programa se le bloqueará para siempre.
Pour Haruyuki, la vie réelle est une torture. Avec sa silhouette petite et trapue, il n’est pas exactement un homme à femmes, mais une victime populaire pour l’intimidation des harceleurs de l’école. Il finit par trouver refuge dans le monde virtuel, où il peut s’adonner à sa passion, le Squash. Seule Kuroyukihime réussit à le battre à ce jeu. La jolie fille populaire fait à Haruyuki une offre très spéciale, un programme informatique appelé Brain Burst, qui lui permet de pratiquement arrêter le temps dans la vie réelle. Mais cette capacité n’est pas gratuite, tous les utilisateurs doivent régulièrement se mesurer les uns aux autres et gagner, sinon le programme se bloque pour eux à jamais.
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  • Haruyuki ARITA

    It’s natural to want to stay in the game world and hope the game will never end. However, I’ve learned one thing from playing all those online games. There’s nothing lonelier or sadder than the end of a game with no ending. More and more players get bored and move on to other games… And one day, even NPCs like your favorite blacksmith or landlady disappear forever as they smile. I’ve experienced that moment and cried many, many times. That isn’t how games should end. It definitely isn’t! If Brain Burst really does have an ending, then we should be aiming for it!

  • Haruyuki ARITA

    Strength isn’t just about winning. Even if my attempts are pathetic and comical, and even if I’m covered in the mud of my defeat, if I can keep fighting and look up at the sky as I lie on the ground, that alone is proof of true strength!

  • Haruyuki ARITA

    We all live in the space between one moment and eternity. We meet and part. Everyone lives their lives to the fullest in a world where things change with the passage of time. But I’m sure some things won’t ever change. There also things that change and can never be gotten back. But we already now. Even if things change, they’ll begin anew. And as long as we have the will, humans will always move on forward.

  • Kuroyukihime

    You really are red. It would be fun to hang you from a traffic light and stop cars.

  • Kuroyukihime

    You’re always in my mind and it makes me both happy and sad. I guess that’s what it feels like to be in love.




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Avatar: simo.cocu#1
Da amante di Sword Art Online non potevo farmi sfuggire questo titolo che mi ha ricordato per molte cose l'anime sopracitato. Questo anime per me è ottimo perchè rappresenta una storia molto bella che fa anche riflettere. Il protagonista, vittima di bullismo, nasconde un carattere molto forte nonostante all'apparenza sembra essere molto debole. L'ambientazione l'ho trovata molto affascinante e suggestiva.
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