Recorder and Randsell (2012)

Recorder to Ransel Do / リコーダーとランドセル ド♪

Inglese Reviews – Recorder and Randsell

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Avatar: ANONBABY#1
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"Brothers backwards"

** Sorry if you don't understand something, I used google translator to translate all my review that I already had in Spanish.

It is about two brothers, the older sister named Atsumi, 17 years old with a height of 1.37 meters and her younger brother of 11 years, Atsushi, 1.80 meters, and the day to day that they live by having such features.

It is an anime based on a 4-Koma manga, in other words, a fairly short manga in each of its chapters and that is shown in the anime also by being chapters of 3 minutes each, where having this format as a base they tell us very exact situations in each episode, with different things that have already been seen before, in other styles of slice of life comedy, but with that touch of originality of having an 11-year-old boy with the appearance of an adult, and the different situations that can be brought about just by this change. One of the things that this anime leaves us well determined is the fact that we do not have to judge by appearances, this is applied to the older brother in the vast majority of cases but things also happen to the younger sister although more to his benefit compared to Atsumi that everything that happens to him is not something that he likes. After its characters with a very marked characteristic that allow a greater explosion of comedy at the time of meeting with the protagonists of this story, and thus do not feel that it is the same all the time.
With music and art that was too normal, that is to say that it was not bad but it was not a great marvel for the viewer to see and hear. They allow this anime to be totally worth watching.

Finally, I recommend this anime in its entirety, it is only three minutes per chapter, with 13 episodes, especially if you do not know what to do then to spend the time laughing a little and seeing the different situations that Atsumi shows us the boy with the body adult, it is not bad at all.
I at least enjoyed it a lot, not all the episodes were totally laughs but for less than 40 minutes and laugh for a while because I did not lose anything when I saw it, rather you gain some joy and want or do not leave a little teaching that You have to always keep it in mind, and at least I liked it a lot at the end, I would have liked a little more in the ost but being a short anime you can't ask for much.

Thank you for reading.


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