Psycho-Pass (2012)




Testo dell’editore italiano Dynit:
In un futuro prossimo, il potenziale criminale dei cittadini può essere analizzato attraverso il coefficiente di criminalità dello Psycho Pass. Con un sistema completamente computerizzato, la Sezione Anticrimine del Dipartimento di Pubblica Sicurezza si occupa di fermare i criminali latenti e di consegnarli alla giustizia!
Per fare questo si serve degli Esecutori, a loro volta criminali latenti, gestiti dalle forze di Polizia
The future: Due to technical progress, it is now possible to determine a human’s potential for violence by analysing their psyche, which is why the population is now permanently under surveillance and their data is saved in the Psycho-Pass. Everyone who exceeds a certain value is arrested and given therapy or, in extreme cases, immediately eliminated.

Akane Tsunemori has just graduated from the police academy and is assigned to the Enforcers, which is the unit that hunts down potential and real perpetrators of violence. She quickly realises that her new unit is tough, as they themselves use criminals and violent people to put their knowledge and behaviours to use, always keeping in mind that they could turn against their own unit at any time.
Die Zukunft: Durch den technischen Fortschritt ist es nun möglich, das Gewaltpotential eines Menschen durch Analyse seiner Psyche festzustellen, weshalb man dazu übergegangen ist, die Bevölkerung laufend zu überwachen und ihre Daten im Psycho-Pass festzuhalten. All diejenigen, die einen bestimmten Wert überschreiten, werden festgenommen und therapiert oder in Härtefällen gleich eliminiert.

Akane Tsunemori kommt frisch von der Polizeiakademie und wird den Enforcern zugeteilt, jener Einheit, die Jagd auf die potentiellen und wahrhaftigen Gewalttäter macht. Schnell muss sie feststellen, dass es sich bei ihrer neuen Einheit um ein hartes Pflaster handelt, setzt man doch selbst Kriminelle und Gewalttäter ein, um sich deren Wissen um das Verhalten solcher Leute zu Nutzen zu machen, immer mit der Gefahr im Hinterkopf, dass sie sich irgendwann selbst gegen ihre Einheit stellen könnten.
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Immagini (60 Screenshot)




    The Law doesn’t protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings… The accumulation of those people’s feelings are the law. They’re neither the provisions nor the system. They are the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts Compared to the power of anger and hatred, they are something that can quite easily break down. People have prayed for a better world throughout time. In order for those prayers to continue to hold meaning, we have to try our best to protect it to the very end. We just can’t give up on it.

  • Shin'ya KOUGAMI

    I’m sorry. I couldn’t keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people.That’s why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can’t judge him. As long as I’m a detective, I can’t touch him. This case made me aware… that the law can’t protect people.

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    I love this game that people call “life” from the bottom of my heart.

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    I want to see the splendor of people’s souls. I want to check and see if it really is precious. However, when humans base their lives around Sybil’s Oracle, without ever consulting their own wills, do they really hold any value?

  • Shougo MAKISHIMA

    The time when our connections to others was the basis of ourselves is long gone.




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