Psycho-Pass 2 (2014)

サイコパス 2



Dopo che l’ispettrice Akane Tsunemori scopre la verità sul Sybil-System decide di obbedire comunque al System, mantenendo però la convinzione che la legge di Sybil non sarà mai più forte dell’umanità. Parte di una nuova unità di polizia, Akane passa le sue giornate a cacciare criminali e a mantenere l’ordine pubblico. Senza averne sentore Akane si ritroverà presto davanti alla sfida più grande della sua carriera poliziesca: dovrà confrontarsi con un mostro che sta tentando di minare le fondamenta del Sybil System per poter riscrivere a nuovo la legge.
After inspector Akane Tsunemori found out the truth behind the Sybil system, she decides to continue obeying the system, but always with the belief that Sybil’s law will never be stronger than humanity. As part of a new police unit, Akane spends her days chasing criminals and ensuring order in the city. Unbeknownst to her, Akane will soon be faced with the biggest challenge so far in her career as a police officer, confronting a monster who is trying to shake the foundations of the Sybil system in order to rewrite the law.
Nachdem Inspektor Akane Tsunemori die Wahrheit hinter dem Sybil-System herausgefunden hat, beschließt sie, dem System weiterhin zu gehorchen, jedoch stets mit dem Glauben, dass Sybils Gesetz niemals stärker sein wird als Menschlichkeit. Als Teil einer neuen Polizeieinheit verbringt Akane ihre Tage damit, Verbrecher zu jagen und die Ordnung in der Stadt aufrechtzuerhalten. Ohne es zu ahnen, wird Akane bald vor der größten Herausforderung ihrer Polizeikarriere stehen und sich einem Monster stellen, das versucht, die Grundfeste des Sybil-Systems zu erschüttern, um das Gesetz neu zu schreiben.
Después de que la inspectora Akane Tsunemori descubre la verdad detrás del sistema Sybil, decide seguir obedeciendo al sistema, pero aún creyendo que la ley Sybil nunca será más fuerte que la humanidad. Ahora, Akane se ha unido a una nueva unidad policíaca y pasa sus días cazando criminales y cuidando el orden en su ciudad. Ella no tiene idea de que pronto se enfrentará al mayor reto de su carrera como policía: un monstruo que está intentando debilitar los cimientos del sistema Sybil para reescribir la ley.
Après que l’inspectrice Akane Tsunemori ait découvert la vérité se cachant derrière le système Sybil, elle décide de continuer à obéir au système. Cela cependant toujours avec la conviction que la loi de Sybil ne sera jamais plus forte que l’humanité. Au sein d’une nouvelle unité de police, Akane passe ses journées à traquer les criminels et à maintenir l’ordre dans la ville. C’est à son insu que Akane devra bientôt relever le plus grand défi de sa carrière de policière, en affrontant un monstre qui cherche à ébranler les fondements du système Sybil, afin de redéfinir la loi.
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    The Law doesn’t protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their feelings… The accumulation of those people’s feelings are the law. They’re neither the provisions nor the system. They are the fragile and irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts Compared to the power of anger and hatred, they are something that can quite easily break down. People have prayed for a better world throughout time. In order for those prayers to continue to hold meaning, we have to try our best to protect it to the very end. We just can’t give up on it.

  • Shin'ya KOUGAMI

    I’m sorry. I couldn’t keep my promise. I wanted to go into a line of work where I could protect people.That’s why I became a detective. But Makishima changed everything. That man will continue to kill people. And yet, the law can’t judge him. As long as I’m a detective, I can’t touch him. This case made me aware… that the law can’t protect people.




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