Noragami (2014)



Qui puoi trovare tutti i tipi di citazioni del Anime «Noragami». Se conosci altre citazioni interessanti, sentiti libero di aggiungerle usando il modulo di inserimento nel profilo del personaggio rispettivo.
  • Hiyori IKI
    Hiyori IKI

    en I won’t stand for anything that makes people do terrible things!

  • Hiyori IKI
    Hiyori IKI

    en The gap between the rich and the poor exists even amongst the gods.

  • Yato

    en Even when times get dark and painful, people should feel lucky to be alive at all.

  • Yato

    en Anyone who chooses death doesn’t deserve to talk about love!

  • Yato

    en You’ve finally realized that the one thing you really want, something greater than money… It can never be yours.

  • Yato

    en Resentment, fear, jealousy, impatience, grief, desire…These and other things give rise to temptation.

  • Yato

    en Once possessed, you will give in to temptation. You won’t even object to crossing boundaries that should never be crossed. And what awaits you there…is the pleasure of living hell.

  • Yato

    en There’s no such thing as a free wish

  • Bishamon

    en It may be a grudge that drives me to slay you, but regardless, it is my duty to bring justice to all evil!

  • Kazuma

    en People don’t always wish for good things. There are evil wishes, too.

  • Nora

    en You really have pretty eyes. They’re like the fruit of hawthorn plants, swaying in the breeze. But…not even birds would eat them. They’re not sweet, bitter, or even poisonous, yet they provide nothing.

    Anime: Noragami [Episodio 7]
    Manga: Noragami
  • Rabou

    en However many wishes we grant, people will always fear, loathe and forget gods of calamity. For better or worse, people’s emotions are always fickle. That is the way of things.

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