Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster
    • us Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster
      Tipo: Film
      Pubblicato: 19. Apr 2011
      Medio: DVD
      Contenuto: Film
      Length: 1,8 cm
      Width: 19,1 cm
      Height: 13,7 cm
      Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, English
      Subtitles: English
      Director: Wilson Yip
      EAN: 0812491011997
      ISBN: 779897332X
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International superstar Donnie Yen reprises his iconic role as the real-life kung fu Grandmaster Ip Man, widely known as the man who brought Wing Chun to the world with the help of his star pupil, Bruce Lee. Master Ip, a new arrival in British-occupied Hong Kong, wants to open a martial arts academy to teach his unique Wing Chun style. A corrupt group of martial arts masters, led by Master Hung (Sammo Hung) refuses to allow him to teach in peace until he proves himself as a kung fu master. Ip s troubles continues when he is forced to enter a brutal King of the Ring boxing match against Twister, a Western-style boxer who insults the Chinese locals, in a East versus West knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish.Bonus Features
Making Of
English Language
Quelle/Source: Product Description


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