Is This a Zombie? - Vol. 05

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  • Is This a Zombie? - Vol. 05
    • en Is This a Zombie? - Vol. 05
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 30. Lug 2013
      Età raccomandata: 0
      Medio: Libro
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You guys...haven't noticed? She's goin' commando!
Secretly jumping for joy in his undeadest of hearts when Eu writes him a note that says, "I want you to hold me tight" (Disgusting.), Ayumu will have to give it his best (Vile!!) if he wants to get a word or move in edgewise (Sick.) under Sera's ever-vigilant eye! But now that the danger from the King of Night has passed, maybe the time is ripe for Ayumu and his lady friends to get into a little youthful mischief at the school festival?! But what happens when Haruna and Eu switch places?!
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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