Bunny Drop - Vol. 10

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Bunny Drop - Vol. 10
    • en Bunny Drop - Vol. 10
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 22. Apr 2014
      Medio: Libro
      Dettagli: Formato grande
      Publisher: Yen Press, LLC
      Length: 14.5 cm
      Width: 1.8 cm
      Height: 20.6 cm
      Weight: 0.3 kg
      Pages: 208
      Author: Unita, Yumi Unita
      EAN: 9780316400800
      ISBN: 0316400807
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As Rin and Daikichi embark on a new kind of life together, this collection of vignettes takes a trip down memory lane: Snapshots of Daikichi's chaotic life immediately after taking in Rin, his evolution from bachelor to parent, and his growing understanding of his duties not only to Rin, but also to his parents. Kouki's childhood with Rin, his time as a young delinquent, and the story behind his scar. Masako's struggles with the decision to give up her child, and her fateful meeting with her future husband. Like looking through an old photo album, these unique stories of the unlikely pair of Rin and Daikichi and their friends and family are colored into exquisite detail in this final volume of Bunny Drop!
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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