Berserk - Vol. 28

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  • Berserk - Vol. 28
    • en Berserk - Vol. 28
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 25. Mar 2009
      Età raccomandata: 0
      Medio: Libro
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Guts, the Black Swordsman, and his companions have finally arrived at the sea, where they discover a mysterious child who seems to share a special bond with Guts and his former lover, the now-mad Casca. The troupe's brief respite at the shore offers moments for quiet introspection and deeper bonding, but such peace is always short lived where Guts is involved, and Guts must once again don the demonic Berserker Armor to take on a force of bloodthirsty beasts emerging from the once-peaceful surf, possessed by the accursed sorcery of a powerful Kushan enchanter! And who knows what will happen when internal strife pushes a member of Guts's band unknowingly into the comforting companionship of an enemy!
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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