Berserk - Vol. 29

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Berserk - Vol. 29
    • en Berserk - Vol. 29
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 27. Mag 2009
      Medio: Libro
      Length: 13,0 cm
      Width: 1,9 cm
      Height: 18,5 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 216
      Author: Kentaro Miura
      Languages: English
      EAN: 9781595822109
      ISBN: 1595822100
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Guts, the Black Swordsman, and his companions have finally broken free of the monster-infested wilderness and arrived at the port city of Vritannis. But the band finds out all too quickly that humans can be just as monstrous as the nightmarish creatures and apostles they battled in the forest. As Schierke and Isidro face off against pirate slavers, Farnese's power-hungry family tries to force her once again under the yoke of their political ambitions. The group's only hope is to find a ship out of the city, but even if they manage to secure a vessel, will everyone be free to leave?
Quelle/Source: Product Description



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