The Sacred Blacksmith - Vol. 05

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  • The Sacred Blacksmith - Vol. 05
    • en The Sacred Blacksmith - Vol. 05
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 1. Lug 2014
      Età raccomandata: 0
      Medio: Libro
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Powerful advisors from all over the Continent gather in Housman for the top secret “Valbanill Meetings.” The inhuman Valbanill will soon break free from its prison, unless the Sacred Blade can be forged anew. All eyes are on Luke, as he is the only blacksmith who knows the secret technique of forging a katana, passed down through the centuries from father to son.

Meanwhile, Cecily battles her own feelings for Luke, as she learns more about his tragic past and the cause of his unwavering duty. Can Luke overcome his grief and finally become the Sacred Blacksmith he is destined to be?



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