Battle Angel Alita: Last Order - Vol. 01: Angel Reborn

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  • Battle Angel Alita: Last Order - Vol. 01: Angel Reborn
    • en Battle Angel Alita: Last Order - Vol. 01: Angel Reborn
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 23. Lug 2003
      Età raccomandata: 0
      Medio: Libro
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After a four-year wait, Alita is back, making her way through an apocalyptic universe. Picking up from the middle of the previous book, Angel's Ascension, our heroine encounters a new group of bizarre characters and revisits many of her old friends and foes. Reconstructed by Doc Ido, a talented cyborg physician, Alita has lost all memory of her former life. But there's one thing her body has not forgotten - it still instinctively recalls the Panzer Kunst, the most powerful cyborg fighting technique ever known. Bounty hunter, singer, killer: as the secrets of Alita's past unfold, every day is a struggle for survival, and her fighting talents are stretched to the limit. Can Alita alone stop the war chaos between the robotic denizens of the M.I.B. bureau and the Tipharians?


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