Attack on Titan - Vol. 04 [eBook]

Informazioni sul prodotto

  • Attack on Titan - Vol. 04 [eBook]
    • en Attack on Titan - Vol. 04 [eBook]
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 1. Set 2015
      Età raccomandata: 16
      Medio: eBook
      Sprache: English
      Format: Kindle eBook
      Autor: Isayama, Hajime
      Anzahl Seiten: 190
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The Survey Corps develop a risky gambit – have Eren in Titan form attempt to repair Wall Rose, reclaiming human territory from the monsters for the first time in a century. But Titan-Eren’s self-control is far from perfect, and when he goes on a rampage, not even Armin can stop him! With the survival of humanity on his massive shoulders, will Eren be able to return to his senses, or will he lose himself forever?



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