Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 28: The Lotus Throne

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  • Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 28: The Lotus Throne
    • en Lone Wolf and Cub - Vol. 28: The Lotus Throne
      Tipo: Manga
      Pubblicato: 14. Gen 2003
      Età raccomandata: 0
      Medio: Libro
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It's the end of the long path the ronin father and son have been on since the boy's birth. Through unimaginable violence and bad weather, across hundreds of miles of blood-soaked roadbeds, over years of tragedy and anguish, to this final 320 pages of still-epic story, Itto and Daigoro have kept us holding on to what little hope exists in a world where honor is all but forgotten and warriors are obsolete. It's a bloody battle all the way to the finish, with dramatic twists and turns right up to the final page.



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