In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 03 [eBook]

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  • In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 03 [eBook]
    • en In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 03 [eBook]
      Tipo: Romanzi
      Pubblicato: 14. Giu 2017
      Età raccomandata: 12
      Medio: eBook
      Publisher: J-Novel Club LLC
      Pages: 205
      Languages: English
      Author: Patora Fuyuhara
      EPUB: 9781718310049
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Stalwart as ever, 16-year-old Mochizuki Touya heads off to the far eastern land of Eashen with his party in tow. For what purpose? The Matriarch of the Fairy Clan wishes to delve into some ancient ruins, of course! But it’s never quite that simple for Touya and his friends, oh no. The party is thrust into the midst of a clash between the warlords Takeda Schingen and Tokugawa Ieyahsu, while a nefarious necromancer makes his move in the shadows …



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