The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 03 [eBook]

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  • The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 03 [eBook]
    • en The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 03 [eBook]
      Tipo: Romanzi
      Pubblicato: 9. Feb 2016
      Età raccomandata: 16
      Medio: eBook
      Pages: 344
      Languages: English
      Format: Kindle eBook
      Author: Aneko Yusagi
      Studio: One Peace Books
      Publisher: One Peace Books
      Label: One Peace Books
      Manufacturer: One Peace Books
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Naofumi Iwatani, still beset by enemies, continues to adventure and battle his way through a fantasy world—a world he was suddenly thrown into without warning. In the third volume of this epic series, he encounters new friends and foes. A powerful threat revels herself in the midst of an epic battle. A new companion with a penchant for magical birds, and tied to the royal family, appears at his side. And once again we find Naofumi plotted against, set up, and betrayed. Will Naofumi escape his pursuers and help the poor people of this strange world? Or is he forever doomed by the aggression that threatens to overcome him from all sides—and from within?



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