The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 11 [eBook]

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  • The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 11 [eBook]
    • en The Rising of the Shield Hero - Vol. 11 [eBook]
      Tipo: Romanzi
      Pubblicato: 18. Mag 2018
      Età raccomandata: 16
      Medio: eBook
      Pages: 400
      Languages: English
      Format: Kindle eBook
      Author: Aneko Yusagi
      Studio: One Peace Books
      Publisher: One Peace Books
      Label: One Peace Books
      Manufacturer: One Peace Books
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Having claimed his victory at the coliseum tournament, Naofumi successfully frees the demi-human slaves to return to their village. When they arrive back at the village, Naofumi receives news on the whereabouts of Motoyasu, the Spear Hero. In order to capture him, Naofumi organizes a manhunt, but it leads him to a scene of carnage involving the Sword Hero, Motoyasu, and Bitch. "If that's all you can say to your friends that believed in you . . . You're not worthy of being called a hero. You're not even worthy of being called a human!" Faced with an unchanged Sword and Spear Hero, Naofumi completely loses it! In the midst of all of this, assassins after Naofumi's life suddenly appear, and everything spirals out of control! The time to cut past ties has finally come in volume eleven of this otherworld revenge fantasy!?



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