In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 12 [eBook]

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  • In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 12 [eBook]
    • en In Another World with My Smartphone - Vol. 12 [eBook]
      Tipo: Romanzi
      Pubblicato: 27. Gen 2019
      Età raccomandata: 12
      Medio: eBook
      Publisher: J-Novel Club LLC
      Pages: 208
      Author: Patora Fuyuhara
      EPUB: 9781718310223
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Mochizuki Touya carries on his carefree life in another world, the looming birth of a wicked god and the peculiar behavior of the intelligent Phrase are no reason for him to panic! A distress call from a mysterious island forces him to jump into action, but what he discovers there may very well flip his entire world upside down … Pass through the open door to find a tale of swords, sorcery, and ancient legacies of antiquated mystery!



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