Dr. Stone (2017)



  • Manga: Dr. Stone
    © 2017 Boichi, Shuueisha Inc.
    • Giapponese Dr. Stone
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 06.03.2017 ‑ 06.03.2022
      Volumi / Capitoli: 26 / 232
      Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
      Mangaka: Riichirou INAGAKI Autore Boichi Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Inglese Dr. Stone
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 06.03.2017 ‑ 06.03.2022
      Volumi / Capitoli: 26 / 232
      Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
    • Italiana Dr. Stone
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 01.11.2018 ‑ 09.01.2024
      Volumi / Capitoli: 26 / 232


Testo della bandella:
In un attimo tutti gli esseri umani si sono trasformati in pietra e anche lo studente delle superiori Taiju è rimasto vittima di questo misterioso fenomeno. Tuttavia, molte migliaia di anni dopo … Taiju e il suo amico Senku si risvegliano e decidono di ricostruire la civiltà da zero! Si apre il sipario su un sensazionale racconto di adventure survival science fiction!
When Taiju Ooki finally was ready to confess his love to his long-term crush Yuzuriha, the world suddenly ended, and every single human being on Earth turned to stone. However, for thousands of years, while being petrified in an unknown way, Taijo has not stopped thinking about his beloved Yuzuriha. He stays determined that one day he will get to confess his love.

After a very long time, on October 5, 5738, Taiju finally awakes from petrification. He then finds out that his best friend Senkuu Ishigami has also survived, and the two decide to rebuild civilisation … with the help of science!
Eines Tages war Taiju Ooki endlich bereit, seinem Schwarm Yuzuriha seine Liebe zu gestehen. Als er endlich bereit war, die Worte zu sagen, geht die Welt unter und alle Menschen werden auf unbekannte Weise versteinert. Während tausenden von Jahren behält der versteinerte Taiju weiterhin seine Entschlossenheit und denkt all die Jahre an Yuzuhira.

Am 5. Oktober 5738 erwacht Taiju und kommt aus seiner Steinhülle raus. Er findet heraus, dass sein bester Freund Senkuu auch überlebt hat und die beiden entschließen sich, die Zivilisation von null zusammen wieder aufzubauen.
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  • Taiju OOKI

    I’ll leave the thinking to you, Senku! So rely on me for the physical parts!

  • Yuzuriha OGAWA

    It feels like I must be here… because you saved me… didn’t you, Taiju? Thank you…

  • Tsukasa SHISHIOU

    I fully understand. Senku, you’re planning on saving everybody, even the old people with their rotten hearts? Yes, at first they might be really grateful. But when a civilization returns, without a doubt: "this was my land!", "pay your rent!", "pay your taxes!" They’ll start profiting from the weak again. I won’t allow it. This Stone World is a paradise that is not yet tainted! Let’s just revive the young people, we’ll live together, with nature, which doesn’t belong to someone else! It’s an opportunity to cleanse humanity!

  • Tsukasa SHISHIOU

    You can call it killing, if you want… It’s a matter of perception. I’m culling humanity, for the sake of a new world.

  • Kohaku

    I couldn’t hear what you were talking about, but I don’t give a damn! If you’ve got something to say, apologize to that gentlemen sorcerer! And then keep apologizing until your very soul rots!




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