Pet Shop of Horrors (1995)

Petshop of Horrors / ペットショップ オブ ホラーズ



Testo della bandella:
Nei bassifondi di New York c’è un negozio di animali unico nel suo genere, il cui proprietario è un uomo di origine cinese affascinante e misterioso. All’interno vi si possono trovare bestie di ogni tipo, fino alle specie più rare ed esotiche. Ma proprio quelle creature sembrano essere la causa di una serie di bizzarri episodi che si stanno verificando in tutta la città…
A smoke-filled alley in Chinatown harbors Count D's Pet Shop. The pets sold here aren’t your everyday variety and the Count prides himself on selling Love and Dreams in the form of magical creatures that come with an exclusive contract. But buyers beware. If the contract is broken the Count cannot be held accountable for whatever may happen. A fascinating and macabre look into the very soul of human nature.

Contains the following stories:

Young Angelique learns the tragic nature of breeding the rarest of birds in the Strelizia.

Out-of-luck actor Robin Hendrix has always preferred the company of reptiles, so it’s only natural that he would fall in love with a very special and dangerous one.

There is no love stronger than a mother’s love for her daughter, but one mother is about to learn that love can be quite painful.

They say that a dog is a man’s best friend but for the recently blinded Karen, the bond with her new seeing eye dog is even closer.
Willkommen in Chinatown! Ein Ort, der seit jeher als Hauptsitz des Rätselhaften und Übernatürlichen gilt. Wer diesen Ort besucht, sollte unbedingt einen Stopp im Pet Shop von Count D einlegen. Dort werden Sehnsüchte, Träume und spezielle Wünsche in Form von mythischen und mystischen Kreaturen feilgeboten. Eine Sache gibt es dabei allerdings zu beachten: Der Käufer muss einen Vertrag unterzeichnen, der bestimmte Verhaltensregeln gegenüber der Kreatur festsetzt. Bei Vertragsbruch droht der Tod… oder auch Schlimmeres.
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