Wedding Peach (1994)



  • Manga: Wedding Peach
    • Giapponese Wedding Peach
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 03.1994 ‑ 04.1996
      Volumi / Capitoli: 6 / 22
      Publisher: Shougakukan Inc.
      Mangaka: Sukehiro TOMITA Autore Nao YAZAWA Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Inglese Wedding Peach
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 21.08.2003 ‑ 26.05.2004
      Volumi / Capitoli: 6 / 22
      Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
    • Italiana Wedding Peach
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 14.09.2004 ‑ 14.02.2005
      Volumi / Capitoli: 6 / 22
    • Sinonimi: Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedingu Pichi, Legend of the Angel of Love: Wedding Peach


Testo della bandella:

Il sogno di ogni ragazzina è sicuramente quello di emulare la propria mamma e sposarsi con un bel principe, e anche Momoko desidera ardentemente di sposarsi con il suo adorato Kazuya. Quello però che la ragazza non sa, è che ben presto dovrà indossare un bel vestito da sposa, ma invece di sposarsi, dovrà combattere la famiglia demoniaca nei panni della guerriera Wedding Peach.

In a world where the wedding chapel has become a war zone between good and evil, three young girls transform themselves into mighty morphin' warriors of love. WEDDING PEACH features first-year middle-school student Momoko Hanasaki and her two friends Yuri and Hinagiku--all of who transform into demon-fighting superpower angels when they aren’t busy mooning over the captain of their school soccer team!As ringleader, Momoko is the Wedding Peach who fights evil with the power of love. Her friend Hinagiku is a sporty, fresh-faced girl who speaks like a boy. Yuri is more feminine and sophisticated. When the three friends find their lives in danger, Momoko risks her own life to spare her friends. Her selfless love is the catalyst that transforms Hinagiku and Yuri into Angel Daisy and Angel Lily.IN THE NAME OF LOVEOne day cute little Momoko Hanasaki is mooning over the captain of her school’s soccer team. And the next day she’s fighting evil as the angelic Wedding Peach. Here for the first time in the U.S. is the original issue of WEDDING PEACH and her friends, Angel Lily and Angel Daisy. Together they unite to battle the wicked Rain DeVilla. Will the power of love help them save the day? Only Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, knows for sure
Momoko Hanasaki hat gerade an der Mittelschule angefangen, wo sie gleich ihrem Senpai Kazuya Yanagiba verfällt. Sie ist ein normales Mädchen bis zu dem Tag als ihr ein Engel namens Limone einen magischen Spiegel gibt, der sie in den dämonenbekämpfenden Liebesengel Wedding Peach verwandelt. Als Wedding Peach lernt Momoko vom Krieg, der zwischen den Engeln und den Teufeln tobt und dass der einzige Weg, ihn zu stoppen, das Auffinden von vier heiligen Dingen, ist. Nun muss sie gegen Königin Rain und ihre Armeen von Dämonen kämpfen, die alles daran setzen, das Liebesuniversum loszuwerden, während sie gleichzeitig Kazuyas Herz zu erobern versucht.
Texto de presentación:
Momoko Hanasaki es una chica de primer año de secundaria. Un día sale de su casa con el anillo que su madre le dejó y es atacada por el demonio Pluie, quien quiere quitárselo, pero justo en ese momento aparece un ángel, Limone para salvarla. ¡¿Pero qué hará Momoko después de transformarse en una polvera...?!
¡Aquí os presentamos el primer tomo de la serie de los súper ángeles del amor!
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