In the Starlight (1986)

Byeolbit Soge / 별빛속에



Un breve riassunto della trama del Manga «In the Starlight» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «In the Starlight»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Ever since Shinhye was young, when she used to sit on a hill watching the night sky with her father, she has always admired the stars and dreamed of what is out there in the universe. But she never expected that her dreams-and nightmares-would come true. As a beautiful and intelligent 17-year-old, she attracts the attention of Donghoon, whose uncle works with the Ministry of Science. As it happens, Donghoon’s uncle is in charge of finding a home for a visiting foreigner...who has ESP! The teenaged girl, Sarah, has left her home in America to get away from all the strange looks people give her because they don’t understand her powers. Sarah is accompanied by her guardian, Redion, a handsome, long-haired young man who makes Shinhye forget all about Donghoon. The girls get off on the wrong foot when Sarah endangers Shinhye with her ESP tantrums...but they eventually become close friends. Shinhye has barely come to terms with the existence of ESP when a UFO lands near her home! The shocks just keep coming as she learns the truth about Sarah and Redion, who the aliens are after. Will Shinhye survive the alien invasion? Her exciting adventures into the universe are just beginning in volume 1 of this fantastic series!
Shinhye liebt es, zusammen mit ihrem Vater unter dem Nachthimmel zu liegen und seine Geschichten über die Konstellationen anzuhören. Sie träumt davon, mit den Sternen zu leben. Was sie nicht weiß, ist, dass die Sterne stattdessen zu ihr kommen könnten...

Ihre Reise beginnt, als die Abteilung für Wissenschaft ihre Familie darum bittet, Sarah, ein ausländisches Mädchen mit einem einzigartigen Talent, bei sich aufzunehmen. Seltsame Individuen sind jedoch an ihr interessiert und Shinhye versteht nicht warum. Ohne es zu wissen, werden all ihre Träume - und Alträume - Wirklichkeit.

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