Fruits Basket (1998)



  • Manga: Fruits Basket
    © 1999 Natsuki Takaya, Hakusensha, Inc.
    • Giapponese Fruits Basket
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 18.07.1998 ‑ 20.11.2006
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 136
      Publisher: Hakusensha, Inc.
      Mangaka: Natsuki TAKAYA Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
      Sito web:
    • Inglese Fruits Basket
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 10.02.2004 ‑ 06.07.2009
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 136
    • Italiana Fruits Basket
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 01.07.2002 ‑ 20.02.2008
      Volumi / Capitoli: 23 / 136
    • Sinonimi: Furuba


Testo della bandella:
Rimasta senza la mamma, la dolce Toru Honda vive in una tenda ed è costretta a lavorare duramente per pagarsi gli studi. Ma le calamità naturali sono sempre in agguato, e quando un tifone spazza via la sua casa, a offrirle conforto e ospitalità è il bellissimo Yuki Soma, suo compagno di scuola, detto il Principe per via dfei suoi modi raffinati. Con Yuki vivono anche Kyo e Shigure, l’uno introverso e turbolento, l’altro cortese e brillante. Ma i membri della famiglia Soma nascondono un segreto: sono stati colpiti da una terribile maledizione, e basta un abbraccio o un brusco contatto con una persona di sesso opposto perché si trasformino negli animali dello Zodiaco Cinese!
Tohru Honda was an orphan, living with her grandfather, when one day fate kicked her out of the house and she was forced to take up residence in a tent in the forest. Little did she know that the land she was staying on belonged to the Sohma family, a clan of beautiful and mysterious people. After stumbling upon the teenage squatter, the Sohmas invite Tohru to stay in their house in exchange for cooking and cleaning. Everything’s going well until she discovers the Sohma family’s greatest secret: when hugged by members of the opposite sex, they each turn into their Chinese Zodiac animal!
Das Waisenmädchen Tooru Honda schlägt sich tapfer alleine durch. Sie campiert heimlich in einem Zelt im Park. Doch schon bald gewährt ihr die Familie ihres Schulschwarmes Yuki Souma Unterschlupf. Den Souma-Clan umgibt ein großes Geheimnis: Die Mitglieder der Familie verwandeln sich, sobald sie von einer Person des anderen Geschlechts umarmt werden, in Tiere aus dem chinesischen Horoskop. Nicht jedes der zwölf verfluchten Familienmitglieder wird mit seinem Schicksal gut fertig. Und dann ist da noch Kyou, der nirgendwo so richtig hinzugehören scheint. Doch mit Tooru wird alles anders …
Texto de presentación:
«Fruits Basket» narra la historia de la joven Tooru, una estudiante huérfana que vive en una tienda de campaña. El carácter fuerte y decidido de Tooru hacen que viva el día a día con resolución. El enredo arranca cuando Tooru va a vivir a casa de los Soma, una familia que sufre una curiosa maldición:
¡se transforman en los animales del Zodíaco chino!
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  • Tooru HONDA

    A conscience grows, just like the body. It’s bred within your heart. That’s why the shape of people’s kindness is so different.

  • Tooru HONDA

    For there to be pain, there has to be kindness. For darkness to stand out, there has to be the sun.

  • Tooru HONDA

    I don’t think anyone is born knowing the reason why they’re here its just something you have to find as you go along.

  • Kyou SOUMA

    Normally I hate people who whine all the time… but in your case… it would be okay… to complain…Be selfish… Say what you want… once in a while… It’s okay… To let yourself be sad.

  • Yuki SOUMA

    Sometimes, we need someone to accept us and love us first. Then, we would learn to see ourselves through that person’s eyes and learn to love ourselves.




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